Tatting Resources

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This is where I will keep adding & updating links to 
tatting resources, tutorials, nomenclature, techniques, tips, etc. 
My quick 'n' easy reference.

last updated : Feb 11th, 2025  (re-categorising and updating since Apr 23 2019 - I still need time ;-P)

for all kinds of tatting tutorials & help – a first-stop in search
(in fluid categories) 
All links with georgiaseitz.com/ have been updated with new links. Please go to https://www.theonlinetattingclass.com/ for the search. 
I have not yet changed the respective links here. 



Karen Cabrera - Frivolite-tatting lessons on youtube ; Karen's list of tatting lessons
Jennifer Williams - diagrams & tuts for various techniques & patterns based on themhttps://www.cariad-tatting.com/techniques)
The Online Tatting Class by Georgia Seitz - (work of transferring files in progress) ; The Online Tatting Class videos - include beginner, advanced, shuttle, needle, designing, 
Jane Eborall - Tips & Techniques
An Element-al Approach to Tatting Design, Location of Instructions and Patterns by Technique list of techniques with tutorial & pattern links compiled by Eliz Davis
Noo Bear - tips, basics, techniques, patterns by Monique Biggs on youtube
Tatting Pattern Central - how to tat tutorials. (several links do not work)


Beginning Tatting Series – video demos by Tamie Montgomery at a follow-along pace
Beginner Shuttle Tatting classes (Georgia Seitz OTC)
Absolute Beginner Tatting Series - videos & posts by Heather.
ABC Tatting Patterns - Laura Evans' - lots of info on tatting, including terms, tuts, patterns & needle tatting
Tatting Central - a compilation of tatting-related resources
Sharon Briggs tips for beginners including videos.
Beginner Tutorials listed by Eliz Davis
Tatting Lessons - videos by Esther L videos 
Basics of Tatting - Maria P (Piccoli Capricci)
This ‘n’ Tat – Lisa C Trumble
Tatting for the absolute beginner and some tatting/lace history - videos by Bryce Adams
A Complete Course in Tatting (Hungarian) - László Antal shuttle tatting tutorials
porfinerika - Kika Porfinerika shuttle and needle tatting videos
Frivolite - Hilo Bolillo y Tul. Spanish videos
Christa's Tatting Corner - videos with tutorials and patterns in Tamil by Christa's Creative Corner (for beginners and more).


Craftree  - ongoing collection of resources
Bella Online Tatting  Georgia Seitz (ed)
Jon Yusoff - How-tos
tatman (Mark Myers) - how to tat lace, including videos
Frivole  - Techniques videos & pictorials & Frivole's Youtube Channel
Ninetta Caruso - original techniques, solutions, tips, patterns. Ninetta's flickr albums & YouTube channel.
Shuttlebirds - list of sites 
Martha Ess - blog  
Teri Dusenbury - Modern Tatting tutorials as well as videos
Gina Brummet (threads of a tatting goddess)
Robin Perfetti - including how to use technology in tatting designing !
Leigh's Needlework & Craft Bibliography - includes over 400 tatting book/magazine reviews, besides other crafts
Christiane Eichler  - "Dreams of Lace" . great tips/tuts for beginners, including needle/shuttle
Sabina Carden-Madden  - lessons including patterns, and techniques
Claudia Meza  in Spanish update 2021: this link not working, but her blog and her 'how to tat' pages.
Corina Meyfeldt - (cmhandmade) lovely tuts, ideas, & patterns.
Lacis Museum 2016-2017 - slideshow of exhibits
Carollyn (Madtatter80) Brown - videos, pictorials, tips, patterns
Marie (West Pine Creations) - tutorials and pattern
Anetta - tutorials (Polish)
Agnieszka Michalowska - including videos (Polish)
Jane McLellan - lots of tips & experiments through blog posts
Daniela Mendola - pictorials and videos
Marilee Rockeley - including videos
Sushma’s Craft and Creations videos 
Tatting Lace - shuttle tatting videos
Elena Kozinenko (FairyLace) - articles, tutorials, videos, patterns, etc. (shuttle, needle, & cro-tat). 
Rachael Mohler (xstchntat) - few videos
Edda Gaustella - videos ; blog with tutorials 
Sparrow Spite - videos   
Daniela Ambrosini - videos for both shuttle (mini course), shuttle tatting lessons;  and needle (mini course), and needle tatting lessons. In Italian. All playlists (including lots more tatting).



HISTORY of Tatting
Bellaonline annotation ; Tatting Origins - Martha Ess ; A Story of TattingLaura Evans 
Tatting History Project - Joan Thomas traces tatting history through Workbasket.
Historical Author Profiles - Crafpedia contains profiles of historical authors and designers
Historical & Etymological Roots of the word Tatting
PieceWork magazine - several articles on vintage tatting, Victorian tatting, etc.
Historical tatting piece - lacenews. {pic of old piece with Lozenges - needle lace filling and tied picots} 
Frivolity - Carin Jansen
Craftree - through posts, threads, library, etc. 
Something Under the Bed - huge bibliography of tatting resources and history compiled by Leigh Martin

Terms for Shuttle & NeedleTatting - with explanation 
Standardized Tatting Pattern Notation - Palmetto Tatters Guild  see TOTC
Tatting Abbreviations and Tatting Terms, Abbreviations, and Techniques lists from Shuttlebirds.com
An Element-al Approach to Tatting Design, Location of Instructions and Patterns byTechnique list of techniques with tutorial & pattern links compiled by Eliz Davis
An Element-al Approach to Tatting Design  A quick list of possibilities in tatting and design compiled by Eliz Davis
7 Methods of Tatting - bellaonline
Different Methods of Shuttle Tatting - (includes links to Palmetto Tatters "Tatting Hands" sample videos) link inactive Jan2024
This is how I tat - video by Shirley Hays
Comparing some Stitches/TechniquesDeconstruction & Common Threads as listed in My Tutorials.
Difference between stitch and technique - Ninetta
Direct Method Tatting - pictorial by Muskaan based on Rebecca Jones (1985 book). 

Hybrid Tatting (needle & shuttle combined) – Sharon Fawnes (taught by Wally Sosa at Palmetto Tat Days 2017) and a comparative analysis and examples - Muskaan

Reverse Riego method
Directional Tatting Judith Connors (Craftree)
Direct Tatting (Reverse Stitch) pictorial showing unflipped stitches
Reverse stitch  Judith Connors (June 2014 Craftree)

How to count stitches in black or fine threads - with diagram pdf .

Ninetta Caruso introduced a new stitch in June 2018 - the treble tat stitch : 
Treble Tatting Stitch SUMMARY and all her links 
Treble Tatting - Ninetta Caruso (starting post; see also later ones) . video for tds ; video for climbing out
tds split chain (right to left) and video ; and (left to right) as in tatting around cabone pictorial ;
There are tons more effects and pictorials Ninetta has been sharing in her blog since June 2018 - eg. tds in Maltese ring, pearl tatting, with beads, various picots/picot effects, along with patterns. Search through label 'treble'.
why treble is a stitch - movements and stitches

Dizzy Double Stitch - 'Tatman' Mark Myer 2009 - diagrammatic ; Ninetta 2025 videos for chain , ring , comparison ; Muskaan 2025 pictorial , pdf. ; Jane Eborall 2009 JR (alternative way) ; Karen Cabrera 2010 Lesson #37 video

Needle tatting for Beginners video by Maria Papia
Needle Tatting videos by Tamie for the Online Tatting Class
Kaye Judt demonstrates the basics of needle and shuttle tatting
Tips & Tutotial Links (for Needle & Shuttle Tatting) - Gloria Nelson

Needle/Crochet Tatting Info by Dan Rusch-Fischer (2000)

Needle tatting basics - RustiKate videos
Needle tatting demos with patterns collection of videos posted by Michela Di Gioia (Italian)
Needle tatting tutorials and patterns - videos by Antonella Berardi as Le Cose Della Anto (Italian)
Needle Tatting - bilingual (Italian & English) videos by Angie Canty
needle tatting videos - Daniela Ambrosini (Italian)

The Art of Crochet Tatting with tutorials and patterns
Cro-tatting rows of rings and split rings - Amy Lynn Hess
Elena Kozinenko video demo for 3 types of tatting (youtube video link)

Hybrid tatting using shuttle and needle - Sharon Fawnes
Hybrid Tatting - thoughts and use of needle in shuttle tatting - muskaan

Making the Left-handed double stitch - Tatted Treasures video
The Flip - video by Patty Dowden

pictorials and videos by Marilee Rockeley
Tatting with one hand: Ring - Marilee
Tatting with one hand: Chain and Join - Marilee

Judi Banashek's Dispensing Thread Tatting for limited dexterity in left hand



Leader Thread in shuttle : Gina Butler's video showing a knot that can be undone when required. 
Beginning with a slip knot pictorial by Gina Butler
Weaver's Knot demo by Mark Myers ( tatman )
Shoe lace trick (SLT) – Wally Sosa . aka overhand tie/knot ; pictorial pdf by Muskaan
Square knot 
Luggage tag loop (or larks head knot)
Invisible Knot - video le cose della anto
Surgeon"s Knot and here ;  also called Ligature . good for a flat finishing knot

Starting with a chain using paperclip  & without paperclip - Frivolé
dead end start with  very small picot in block tatting - Martha Ess
Starting with chain (and starter picot) in 2 colour tatting - stepwise pictorial pdf Muskaan

An Annotated Compilation of Resource Links on how to hide ends without knots - lots of methods with links

Tatting to the End. Contemplating ends when starting - Georgia Seitz
Jon Yusoff’s Dealing with Ends – many ways of finishing off tatting.
Frivole’s Finishing on a Chain - no ends to sew in. Pictorial on flickr. Also a post on Jeanie’s Magic Loops.  Also,  Magic Loops video demo 
Cactus’ New Way of hiding ends . A diagrammatic representation (tape tail to core thread while tatting)  
Jane Eborall's Tips & Techniques on Starting & Finishing - many methods & instructions, including knotless method of starting & adding new thread.
Using SSSR to hide ends – pictorial by Miranda ; video by Marilee
Adding New thread (LHK variation) - Sabina Carden-Madden
Whip stitching ends by Carollyn ; whip stitch and diagram pdf by muskaan
Needles used in hiding ends
Hiding thread ends - video
Magic Thread Trick (MTT) with floss threader – Crazy  Mom Tats (Sandra)
False CTM - Jane McLellan
False CTM - PART 1 ; PART 2 - muskaan
Hiding ends in Floating Chain (no knots) - muskaan
Changing colours, knotless tricks ; more tricks/tips - muskaan.
MTT for central ring and more MTT links - Ninetta
How to hide ends in shuttle tatting - 5 ways by Sparrow Spite video

Blocking with a Rolling Pin pictorial and pdf
Testing stiffeners on tatting by Corina Meyfeldt
How to stiffen snowflakes by Barbara Tozzano
Challenges of Stiffening Tatting - Part 1 ; Part 2 -  The Threadbears
How to puff up tatted motif - Pitsibaa video ; Muskaan pictorial.

Tassel pictorial (on Facebook)- Mandy Kerwell-Bez
Bookmark Tail and Tassel - Lillian Tatlace video

Sewing lace to hanky - several links ; more tutorials and tips.
Sewing lace to fabric edge - Judith Connors

FINISHING (for jewellery, etc) 
Macrame nylon loop zipper pull - Marilee
Hidden earring post using onion rings - Ninetta
Tatted Bracelet Clasp - seesawyer
Sliding Closures for bracelets (using Square Knot) - video



CHANGING DIRECTION  (and/or colour)
[Reverse Work (RW), Turn Work (TW), Rotate Work].
Reverse & Turn Work An Exploration part of the Absolute Beginner Tatting Series by Heather Tatter.
TW in block tatting by Martha Ess, with a pattern.
“Reverse Work” versus “Turn Work”  Tatting Tutorial by ladyshuttlemaker
Twist Work (TwW) in Reverse Stitch - step-by-step pictorial & comparative account. Very similar to pearl tatting and Daisy Picot. one-page pictorial pdf
Lock Join Plus, aka Reposition Methods with pictorial pdfs and patterns muskaan

This Way or Tat ? (TWoT)

Changing Chain Curve (convex, concave) - various methods pdf - muskaan. Video for needle tatting the methods by Bonnie Swank

To reduce tail ends, find a way to work continuously!
Climbing out using an extra chain - in Endrucks' Doily #28, 1922 , Georgia Seitz.
Climbing out from the Center (COOR – climb out of round/row) - Georgia Seitz
Deconstructing Magic Squares – Robin Perfetti
Magic Pathways ; Magic or Infinite Pathways deconstructed ; Continuous 2-colour tatting  - muskaan
CTM with Extra shuttle 2 thread - a tip 
False CTM - PART 1 ; PART 2
Knot Stitch (pictorial and comparison with split chain) from Priscilla Book 3 - muskaan
See also Mock Picot, Split Chain, Split RIng


Loading Loops - video by Noo Bear
Estimating thread required - video by Noo Bear
GAPSOSIS (or gaposis)
Preventing Gapsosis Georgia Seitz ; 
Gapsosis Jon Yusoff ; 

Snip rings not chains - Jane McLellan
Several mistakes and Fixes - Anita Barry ; Anita Barry ; Anita Barry ;  
removing kinks from unraveled thread - muskaan

Ways to keep WIP clean - muskaan
How to tat uniform motifs especially in long-term projects – Jeanie Schekel

Dye Colour Bleed - why and how - Karen Bovard Sayre

Pulling thread from the inside out - to avoid twisting - Carin Jansen

Overcoming colour slip – Jane McLellan
See also Blipfree/Blipless Joins under JOINS
Using TwW in rs (Twist Work) - muskaan see also Lock Join Plus series
Lock Join Plus series aka Reposition Methods - muskaan

When to post a shuttle – list compiled by muskaan


Needled Thread - a term used by and described by Nina Libin to string beads by stiffening the end of the thread and snipping it diagonally. A pictorial by Elena K.

a stitch gauge - using half closed rings by Ninetta
Sliding Picot Gauge - Martha Ess
Comparison of shuttles - Carin Jansen

How to Make Tatting Shuttles - Tamara's cardboard shuttles ; muskaan's homemade shuttles ; Vrinda's coconut shell shuttle (only pic) ; 
Isdihara's DIY Tatting Shuttle Templates ;
Shrink tatting shuttles by Marie McCurry

Fabric shuttles by Marie McCurry
Blinging shuttles by Diane Cademartori
The Tatted Shuttle – customized epoxy shuttles with your own tatting
Tatting with a Double Bobbin Shuttle tutorial by Sheron Goldin


Thread Chart for CTM - Tim Kaylor
Thread comparison - Karen Cobrera (links added in right panel in her blog)
Comparing thread size - Threads Galore
Thread Sizes compared - Tatting & Design
Thread sizes - Tatting Corner
Choosingthe Right thread for your project - Tatting Corner
Relationship between thread, needle and bead 3 - sekirara lace
TatHelper – a Windows application for tatted lace by Aurora Lozada
Tatted Thread Sizes Relation TableAurora Lozada
Predict Thread Usage – Sherry Pence
Threads for Lace - Brenda Paternoster. comparison of 1900 threads based on wraps/cm, thread type, size, twist.
Know your Cotton Yarn/Thread/Hook

A Dyeing Art - Marilee Rockeley
From Messy to Beautiful - Marilee Rockeley
Dyeing with Some-Marche - Erika Tashiro (Marmelo)
Dyeing Thread (and yarn) - Jane McLellan
Dye Colour Bleed - why and how - Karen Bovard Sayre




BEANILe Tatting  (Bead Tatting)- Nina Libin
Nina Libin’s Symbols & Abbreviations used in BEANILE patterns
Beaded tatting - plan the picots first pdf. Georgia Seitz
Guide to Beaded Tatting - Saundra Hameed
Beads in Tatting Summary - graphics by Ninetta
Beads on a String - Jon Yusoff
Working thread v/s core thread using beads - Sherry Pence (LadyShuttleMaker) 
Another Way to add beads - Corina Meyfeldt
All about Beads and Tools - Corina Meyfeldt
Bead placement in single shuttle practice pattern - Corina Meyfeldt
Bead in Mock Ring and Floating Rings - video by Marilee Rockley
Floating Beads - ways to dangle bead(s) in various situations and effects WITHOUT stringing - muskaan
Beaded Daisies between split rings - Sabina Carden-Madden (2007) ; variation by Ninetta Caruso.
Beads in SR braids (Beaded Diamond and Beaded Daisy variation) - Ninetta Caruso
Beaded SR braid - part 1 Beads on 3rd thread ;  muskaan
Tatting tutorials (with beads) xichenart - Nancy Yang demos with patterns.
Single Shuttle Beaded Braid - pictorial by muskaan; Ring with Beads video by Mad Jar Tatting.

Small beaded ball - Ninetta Caruso. with Pattern.
Using a bookmark or insertion - Corina Meyfeldt

Joining to buttons – Jane Eborall

Faux Macrame encasement - Karen Cabrera Lesson #176
Embellishment Tatting - Marie McCurry
Cabochon tatting - Corina Meyfeldt
Ice Drops stepwise pictorial - Diane Cademartori
Tiffany bezel setting around rivoli - Ninetta Caruso

Dora Young Join/Knot (DYJ) - moving counterclockwise
Cover a plastic ring - Jennifer Williams
Attaching suncatcher to bangle - HisKid 
Tatting on a Cabone Ring - Patty Dowden

LeafCarollyn Brown
Keys -  Carollyn Brown
Paper - Carolyn Kotlas with pattern & how-to
Tatting with Ribbon - NamiArt
Ribbon Flower - Corina Meyfeldt
Ribbon Rose tatting (3D) - Alma Negrete video
Tatting with Silk ribbon Flowers - Carollyn Brown and a tip.
Tatting with Wire - Mark Myers
Hair/headband - video by Mani di Linda


Celtic Tatting blog by Rozella Linden aka Ruth Perry
Celtic shuttle tatting demo - video by Rachael Mohler
Skip 1 Celtic - Patty Dowden
Skip 2 Celtic - Patty Dowden
Skip 3 Celtic - Patty Dowden

Chains in Shuttle Tatting - my sampler list of numerous straight-chain elements in pdf, along with resources
Direct Tatting Chain - Gina Butler video
Dot Picot String - Usha Shah
Loop Made Chains (LMCh) - Anastasija P Yelisejeva  
S-Chain with Picots or Picoted S-Chain pictorial ; as seen from the back.
Lock Chain
See also Knot Stitch, Dora Young's Knotless Method chain (split chain), etc.

Pointed Chain - Jon Yusoff
Pointed Chain (or one-stitch scmr) - Frivole video
the Right Angle - Ninetta Caruso
Point using Dot Picot  ;  Mimosa Knot ; seed bead ; SLT ; 1 padded ds ; Acute angle using unflipped half stitch (in shuttle, needle & crotatting)
Balanced Double Stitch in Needle tatting - Georgia's online videos
Gothic Arch stitch for pointed chain in Needle tatting - Carol Henry video. (It is same as pds in shuttle tatting)
Convex and Concave chains - Sabina Madden
S-Chain - Sabina Madden
Z-Chain or zig-zag chain - Sabina Madden
Dimpled Chain - using Victorian sets or folded 
V-chain - video by Maimai Kato   
Changing Chain Curve (convex, concave) - various methods pdf - muskaan. Video for needle tatting the methods by Bonnie Swank
Floating chain/SSSCh to create a point - Wanda Salmans (image only)

Martha Ess notes
Various Tutorials on Block Tatting  including Lock Chain blocks by Jane Eborall
Julie Patterson , Karen Cabrera (solid and striped) , Gina Butler video , Fireweed Plains video (2 methods)
Ruth Perry’s RicRac block tatting 
Block tatting with Needle video . 
Using only a picot as riser - muskaan (no tut)

how to start with a loop (like SCMR) - Knitter Bunny's coil pictorial 
Two-Coloured Spirals - Mariya Davydova

Reversing Chains methodJohn  ;  Jeff Hamilton  (read comments under their posts)
Shoe Lace Trick methodAmanda Lockwood 
Split Chain method - Elisabetta De Napoli
Rings and Chains method - Mary Konior

Tatting : Technique & History by Elgiva Nicholls. (pp 101-102) . Superb explanation & description of “Multiple Dead Ends” on false chains
Floating Chains using a bead - Jane Eborall
dead end start to split chains (muskaan) based on Karen Cabrera's Lesson on SSSCh / Floating Chains (using a ring)

Richard Embrey - video ; free practice pattern
HT Needle tatting notes - Bonnie Swank
HT Pictorial - Muskaan 
See also Double Chain - Muskaan

Hyperbolic tatting by Patty Dowden
Tips on hyperbolic tatting - Jane McLellan


Pearl Tatting book (1867) - Mlle Riego de la Branchardiere - TOTC
Pearl Tatting (how-to with shuttle and with needle) and video - TOTC
Easy Pearl Tatting - Riet Surtel & Jane Eborall
Double Pearl Tatting / Chain - Muskaan (only tips)

The original SCh or DYK or bridging was by Dora Young (for frontside chains and cabone ring) 
Dora Young's Split Chain or Dora Young Knot (in her own handwriting & diagrams, posted by Teri Dusenbury)
Georgia Sietz's 9 steps to split chain or bridging This is Dora Young's style/knot.
Also illustrated by Jane Eborall’s Making a Split Chain original method (DYK)
Jon's Split Chain tutorial Along with How to use a Split Chain to make a Split Ring when working with only 1 shuttle & ball !!!
Australian Split Chain
Split Chain - Anetta (pictorial in Polish) ; Split Chain video by Daniela Ambrosini
Split Chain in needle tatting - video by Le Cosa Della Anto (Italian)
Needle tatting a split chain by Kelly Dunn

An additional method was developed in 2007 by Marie Smith : (for backside chains)
Frivole’s Marie Smith style of Split Chain (Traditional Tatting) video tut (similar to CWJ, done from back side)

Knot Stitch Chain from Priscilla Book 3 - muskaan

Dead end start or Curlicues - muskaan
Karen Cabrera's Single Shuttle Split Chain (SSSCh) aka Floating Chain . Video Lesson 38
Curled chain or curlicue - with shuttle, needle, crotat - video by Elena K

Lattice Tatting - muskaan 
Lattice tatting from Julia E Sanders book Tatting Patterns scans - ladytats 



All you ever wanted to know about Cluny tatting  .... 
Cluny Tatting Tutorials/Pictorials - (2015) all my tutorials are listed in detail
COLOUR Cluny Tatting - (2018) all my tuts listed - starting from basic one-colour through to multicolour striped tallies, along with practice patterns.   

    Cluny Tatting for Beginners
Clever Cluny (Beginning Tatting Video Series) Excellent video for any beginner !
Frivolité à la navette : le point d'esprit (Cluny leaf) : A Great video by Julie. Although text is in French, the demo is very clear & easy to follow. A good finger loom tatting resource for beginners.
Jennifer Williams’ Cluny Tatting Technique diagrammed with instructions . An Excellent resource to print & refer for beginners.
Lilas Lace diagrams - Superb self-explanatory diagrams with loom on pillow .
12 Cluny Tatting Tips for easy tallies
Cluny Tatting Basic - stepwise pictorial 

    More Cluny Tatting Resources 
Mark Myers (tatman) How to tat a cluny leaf 
Steph Peters’ Cluny Leaves in Tatting - diagrammatic instructions ; & stepwise pictorial 
Carollyn's (madtatter80) Tatting Cluny Lace... the center SH2 thread is shifted to extreme right, & SH1 is 'dropped' on return for easy & quick tensioning.
Mimi Dillman’s Cluny Tatting Page with with a list of resources & her pictorial instructions.
kcabrera74 : Lesson 30 – Cluny , Lesson 31 - Hanging Cluny ; Lesson 32 - Hanging Cluny off a Ring
Linda S Davis' Shuttle Tatted Cluny video   
Elisadusud video
Threads in Craftree ‘What is Cluny Tatting’ (Judith Connors) & Tips on Shaping Cluny Leaves (Patty Dowden)
Cluny Tatting Links
Cinzia Gabrielli's Coloured Hanging Clunies  … diagrams & instructions
Double Cluny (5 warp or broad clunies) by Carmin Barron
Cluny tatting on box loom - Edwidge Renaudin video 

    Looms and how to use 
Clever Cluny by Lorraine Eisbrenner Wolak  loom on card
Plastic Bottle Loom bellaonline
Cluny Tatting Loom  Judith Connors (diagram & instructions)  The measurements of the card loom may be enlarged or reduced, even to using an old credit/loyalty card, for easy portability
Cluny Box Loom Shuttle tatting tut (Beginning Tatting Video Series)
Various Cluny Tatting Looms
Broad Clunies on a loom with free download of pictorial instructions
A Loom for all Cluny Tatting Using Judith Connor's card loom for Hanging & Split Cluny Leaves
Card Loom Ninetta (with stepwise instructions)
3D printed Cluny loom - Tim Kaylor
Ultimate Cluny Loom from Handy Hands for both left and right handed tatting. video by Tamie.
Lid Loom converting card loom to box loom by Jean Gordon

    Cluny Tatting with Needle
Georgia Seitz' compilation of many resources
Wally Sosa's Pictorial Steps 1-4 and Steps 5-8 
Dagmar Pezzuto's Cluny Petal Tatting in Two Colours , updated by Georgia Seitz



Mignonette article by Georgia Seitz
Rings with bare thread (unworked thread space rings) - needle tatting video



A study of tatted joins - Georgia S
Simple Joins schema - Ninetta Caruso
Sewn Picot in vintage doily - Georgia Seitz 
Joins in Shuttle Tatting series . Part 1 & Part II ... more to come - muskaan
Swirl Join - Nina Libin
Lark's Head Picot Join - Lily Morales' LHPJ in DS and RSbellaonline pictorial. Lark's Head Join - two methods (#85 video ; #101 video)- Karen Cabrera ; video (fs & bs) - Noo bear
Onion Ring Join - Jennifer Williams
Onion Rings - ball thread join - Georgia Seitz. This is the Slope and Roll Join.
Split Chain Join – Sabina Bina Madden
Catherine Wheel Join Marilee Rockley video
Catherine Wheel Join Allegory  Patricia Lyn Cobb's fun tutorial
Long Picot Join , in pdf (or decorative picot join)
Shuttle join (lock join) - Georgia 
How to untat the Lock Join - muskaan
Reverse Join - Elaine P Gan. Description by Judith Connors ; pictorial by muskaan ; new pictorial pdf 
Block Join 
Transitional Join (from 2nd side of SR) - Sabina Carden-Madden
Join to Smooth Side (JSS) by Anne Dyer - Karen video ; JSS in direct tatting - Ninetta ;
Lock Join Plus - summary of 4 LJ extensions and practice patterns.
Lock Join pictorial pdf
Lock Join+SLT pictorial pdf (see also SLT Picot)
Lock Join+Reposition threads pictorial pdf
Captured Join - Ninetta Caruso 2024
Lark's Head Join - Krsytle Peyette (2012)

    Rotate Work -
        stepwise Pictorials with rosette (outward facing rings) ; with chains and using a down join
 with inward facing rings 
pictorial by Liisa Maarit

Folded Joins -
that pesky final ring  - diagrammatic representation of Folded Join by Jon Yusoff
Riego Join in finger tatting - video by Teri Dusenbury
folded join Outward facing rings - diagrams by Jackie Reynolds ; video by Sandra Figg 
Folded Joins - video by Georgia Seitz Online Beginning Shuttle tatting class ;
Folded Join with threads emerging at the back - video by Paola Bevilacqua (FB)

Avoiding the Folded Join - 
for inward facing rings : Heather Tatter ; video by Sandra Figg ;
for outward facing rings (rosette join)   Jennifer Williams ; Jane Eborall ; 

BLIPLESS/BLIPFREE Joins  Ninetta ; Jane Eborall ; Frivole ; for lock join ;

Self-padded double stitch, Double double stitch, Balanced double stitch -- these all refer to the Same technique / stitch.
Self-padded double stitch (s-p ds) -- (by Rhoda Auld). History, multiplicity of terminology, & related discussion. Thread started by Judith Connors in InTatters
Double double stitch (DDS) -- tutorial by Jane Eborall
Balanced double stitch (BDS) -- tutorial & video demo by Ruth Perry
Self-Padded double stitch experiments (chains) -- my experimentation with Chains & Josephine Rings.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rv6YFXRU-Xk  -- Karen Cabrera's Lesson 54 - BDS
Josephine Petal video by Frivole - uses a padded JR !

Spiral Knot Stitch - Jennifer Williams
Dizzy Double Stitch (also DDS !!!) by tatman


See All-Encompassing sites for many more types & tutorials of Picots.

Measuring the Picot – pdf of article - muskaan All you need to know about measured picots and picot gauges.
Vapor Picot – video of Ninetta's vapor picot by Karen Cabrera ; diagrams by Ninetta.
Floral Picots ( Ring of Tatters) aka Layered or Ruffled Picots (Karen Cabrera Lesson 99)
Twisted Picot (floating) - muskaan's pictorial ; with knotted bead pictorial; Karen's video , Usha's videos (with & without beads) and with knotted bead.
Twisted Picot (ornamental) - Karen's video #94
Twisted Picot - Jane Eborall
Celtic knotted picot ( CKP)    by Sabina Carden-Madden 
Multiple CKP - tutorial by Patricia Cobb and How to use picot gauge for CKP
Interlocking Picots video by Karen Cabrera
Mrs Mee Picots - Martha Ess (video by Karen)  
Tuft Picots and how-to video by Ninetta Caruso
Picot Gauge in relation to Core Thread - various positions. muskaan
Drop / Down / Inward facing Picots - compiled resource links ; Riet Surtel's Inward picot
Venetian Picots - video and written format Ninetta
Double & Triple Picot Method – Ring of Tatters
Double Picot in Needle tatting - video by La Cose Della Anto 
Mock Picot – video Georgia
Knotted Ring Picot (Susan Moore) – Karen’s video
Intruding Picot - pictorial. muskaan. applications #1 ; applications #2 ;    
Picots in Josephine Rings - a study of 4 methods - regular/interlocking; Mrs Mee; Tuft picots (2 ways).
SLT Picot - to switch colours/threads adding a picot. Useful in block tatting, changing chain direction, etc.
Wide Picot - aka monster picot. video by Shannon (mytattingplace 2011) ; Dan Rusch (2003) - pictorial; Karen Cabrera's #34 wide picot variation (2011); Claudia Meza (2010) - wide picot pictorial and monster picot pictorial ; wide picot pictorial pdf Muskaan (2024). 
Butterfly Picot - video by Karen
Face Inward Picot - Ninetta Caruso
Captured Picot - Ninetta Caruso 2024. Part I (version A) and video; Part II ; Part III ; Part IV .

Tatted Fringe - Corina Meyfeldt ; spot adaptation  and more notes, observations, ideas - Muskaan

How to work Large Rings - Patty Dowden  ; How to close large/big rings - Jon Yusoff

Ankars Tatting Rules - Corina Meyfeldt
angela.gambka.tutorials on Instagram - in English
bracelet with double flowers - Pop Lenuta Maria
Heart earring - Pop Lenuta Maria
Stacked rings pictorial (Miyuki style motif) Part 1 ; Part 2 ; Part 3 ; Part 4 - by YuiYui 
ANKARS-Club - the original ANKARS technique, authors, galleries, classes,....Ekaterina Stepnaya

Earrings with curled rings diagrammatic pictorial & pattern by Ninetta Caruso
Concept , description, comparison with Folded Rings
More Possibilities including a cross pattern
Final Options / effects including an earring pattern
How to curl small rings pictorial by Ninetta Caruso
Curled Rings in Split Rings with bracelet patterns
Curled Rings Pendant pattern & instructional pictorial
Alternate Method of Curling Rings includes many ways to curl small rings (sCR) over a chain or in rings, as well as Curled Inside Rings. Video for sCR over a chain.
Bracelets Capriccio – This pattern pdf includes various effects & applications of sCR : 1. Balanced sCR pattern & Video ; 2.Unbalanced sCR ; 3. sCR over a chain ; 4. with CR and a Video.

Closing Dimple Ring or Two Stage Dimple Ring - Jane Eborall
Dimpled Ring: Method 2 - Sue Hanson's method 
Dimpled Yorkie video Karen Cabrera
Dimpled SCMR pictorial & instructions by Ninetta Caruso
Tatting Dimpled Ring Heart video Gina Butler
Stacked Dimpled Split Rings – Crazy Mom Tats (Sandra) and Jane McLellan's tip.
Down Picot dimple ring – Martha Ess
Dimpled Rings in Needle Tatting - video by Angie Canty (bilingual)

INTERLACED SPLIT RINGS (using 4 shuttles) 
How to Start Interlaced Rings - both movements
Over & Under Rings : Front to Back movement (Part 1) – step-by-step pictorial
Under & Over Rings : Back toFront movement (Part 2) – step-by-step pictorial
Revisited with new tips and more pics 

Interlaced Single Shuttle Split Rings (SSSR) (using 2 shuttles)

Interlacing effects - bracelets ; earrings - Ninetta

INTERLOCKING  RINGS (IR) using shuttle 
Interlocking SCMRs - step-by-step pictorial by Sue (HisKid) ; Umi & Tsuru - pictorial 
Interlocking Rings made with shuttle Part 1 & Part 2 - Kathy Niklewicz tutorial ; Karen video ;  Karen Bovard
Interlocking Tatted Rings - 1869 vintage directions for interlocking tatting rings
Interlinking SCMRs & Rings Jane Eborall's method
Interlocked Single Shuttle Rings - video by Edda Gaustella

Chainmaille - Karen Cabrera
Interlocking Split Rings Ninetta's pictorial showing 3 methods ;  
Interlocking Split Rings video (Russian)
Interlocking Split Rings - Lessons 78-81 by Karen Cabrera
Chain Maille pictorial - Jane McLellan
Tatted Rope Chain - Ninetta Caruso
Interlocking Split Ring Braids - Part 1 using Ninetta and Karen's methods ; Part 2 using Kathy's method ; and Part 3 Tatted Rope Chain Ninetta's method.
Two Rings (Interlocking) Chain (catenella 2 anelli) - Edda Guastalla video
Interlocking SR braid - needle tatting vdeo Maria Papia

JOSEPHINE RINGS (spiral tatting)
Josephine Ring Cluster - muskaan
Picoted Josephine Rings - muskaan

2-Color Rings video Lesson 138 by Karen Cabrera
Shape of Rings - a tip by Karen Bovard
Folded Rings - Martha Ess pdf download
Ring on Picot - Patty Dowden (video)
Square Rings - Christiane Eichler
Square Rings spare thread method - Phyllis Schmidt ; and my Notes.
Spiral Rings - tut by Ninetta; fs/bs in spiral rings 
Maltese Rings - compilation of tuts, books and patterns by Ninetta

Wrong-Way Tatting or Reverse Ring - Rebecca Jones' book.  See more here. This may be natural for left-handed tatting. 
Reverse Ring - Ruth Perry , video (Reverse Ring with rings thrown off )
Split Quadruple Directional Ring (SQDR) - Teri Dusenbury
Ribbed Ring  (cerchi rigati)- Daniela E. Ambrosini (video for both shuttle and needle)
Collar Rings - Corina Meyfeldt

Split/SCMR - Randy Houtz  ; Split/SCMR - slight variation/adaptation ; Jane McLellan's pics 
split scmr - Tim Kaylor's 2-thread method with video demo
How to close a mock ring - Ninetta
SCMR closure with bead - Sharren
Mock rings instead of split rings - NamiArt
Mock Rings – Needle Tatting video  

The "Onion" Ring - Georgia Seitz
Perfect Onion Ring by Aurora Lozada aka Capturing onion ring pdf ; Kathleen Minniti's variation - Captured Onion Ring. Judith Connors' variation
Onion Ring with chain and CWJ - Robin Perfetti 
Onion Rings - a comprehensive series by Ninetta Caruso : Part I - true rings ; Part II - variations ; Part III - mock rings ; Part IV - variations ; Part V - SCMR & split onion rings ; Part VI - layered & 3D ; Part VII - direction & elements.

Dora Young method video by Rachael Mohler
Karey Solomon method  (Dora Young method)
Matthew Takeda method (Sabina Madden-Carden) - video (Gina Butler); Georgia Seitz ; 

Finishing with SSSR - Miranda
SSSR Cord - line of half rings completed with DYK method - Georgia Seitz.
SSSR with Joins and Hiding an End - Patty Dowden

High Five method by Cynthia Stevenson and video demo
Alternate Split Ring Hand Ring - Sabina Madden-Carden
Split Ring Braids - single and 2 colours in needle tatting  - videos by Shasta Shae

Half moon split ring  Sabina Madden-Carden
Split Ring in needle tatting by Karen Bovard
Split Ring in needle tatting Handy Hands

Thrown Ring Methods - a Ready Reckoner with pictorials - muskaan
Reverse Rings with Rings Thrown Off -  video by Ruth Perry ; video by Karen Cabrera
Rebecca Jones' "The Complete Book of Tatting" (1985) calls these Method 5: Wrong-Way Tatting
LTROR - Loop Tatted Ring on Ring with pattern by Sabina Carden-Madden ; diagrams by Jane Eborall ; diagrams by Anastasija P Yelisejeva ; video by Karen Cabrera
SQDR Split Quadruple Directional Ring along with pattern by Teri Dusenbury; now more commonly known as Ring off / on Split Ring - diagrams by Jane Eborall & video by Karen Cabrera
LTROSR - Loop Tatted Ring on Split Ring video 
MROR - Mock Ring on Split Ring pictorial, and diagrams by Ninetta Caruso; video by Karen
Central Ring with Multiple Thrown Rings - a comparison of the various techniques; pdf includes table, tatted models & pattern with notes.
Floating Rings – Sherry Pence

Thrown/Floating rings in Needle Tatting :
on chains - Georgia Seitz ; britinpa ; Rachael Mohler
on split ring - Gale Marshall
on rings - Needle Tatted Floating Rings by Bonita Swank: Part 1 video ; complete pdf; Spanish video by profinerika ; 


Enclosed Space Medallions - Eligva Nicholls' classification ; tatted samples - Muskaan;
Rosette - three types - Muskaan;
Daisy - vintage and modern - Muskaan 
Wheel - 
Lozenge - (image - lacenews) needle lace filling within rings or in the open space of an oval or circle of rings.
Coil - 


Pearl Tatting video by Marilee
Pearl Tatting by Georgia (Mau's Beaded tatted Chain)
Pearl Tatting - Jennifer Williams
Pearl Tatting video ; quick tutorial ; with two hands - needle tatting by Georgia

Roll Tatting Lesson 27 video by Karen Cabrera
Roll Tatting video by Julie (Pandore) & more applications
Bullion Knot - in comparison with Roll tatting

Stacked Split Rings - muskaan
Bobble tatting by Rhoda Auld - Ninetta
Stacked Chains by MiKyeong Ha  - video
Volumetric Tatting - tatted spiral rope using split rings. video by Ksenia Shvedenko
Tatting Beaded Rope - using stacked rings (single shuttle) ;  Auld's bobble techniqueDemmer's bobble technique ; stacked split rings ;


Embroidered Tatting on hanky edge by Murphy's Designs (Marian Ecker)


Free Pattern Sites :
Tatting Pattern Central - free pattern directory
Something Under the Bed - Leigh Martin's comprehensive Tatting Bibiliography with reviews, etc.
Free Tatting Patterns on the Internet - list compiled by Gloria Nelson (FB)
Beginner Tatted Doily patterns- list compiled by Gloria Nelson (FB)
The Tatted Community of Bloggers - a list of tatting blogs
The Ring of Tatters - free shared patterns
Handy Hands free patterns listed according to skill level
Endrucks 1920 Project and EP LINKS - patterns and derivatives from Eleonore Endrucks' 1920 book

muskaan at muskaan's T*I*P*S 
Patricia Ann Rizzo at tattypatty – beginner patterns 
Jane Eborall at Tatting & Not a lot else
Nancy Tracy at Be-stitched page 1 easy beginner patterns. Several pages of free patterns.
Free Tatting Patterns (free-tatting)
Becky Dempsey at Blossoms and Blessings Designs 
Carollyn's Tatting Blog with free patterns as well as tips & techniques  
Jennifer Williams (cariad) - patterns arranged according to techniques, too.   
Renata (Renulek)   Frywolitki, Tatting, Chiacchierino
Linda S Davies (toptattyhead)  includes lots of 3D flower patterns
Eliz Davis
Sharon Briggs - many patterns with diagrams and more patterns at Sharon's Tatted Lace 
Anastasija's frivolitatting
Martha Ess
Ruth Perry's Tatting Pattern Calendar with lots of small patterns; Rozella Linden free tatting patterns
Anika Hassar's (tattingitup.blogspot) patterns
Ushas Creations 
Marie McCurry at West Pine Creations
Jane McLellan  (janemactats)
Daniela Mendola - including videos
Marilee Rockeley at yarnplayer's tatting blog - including videos
Martha Ess
KNOTS pattern collection & gallery
Sabina Carden-Madden at Paradise Treasures 
Liisa at Handmade by Liisa - a few patterns
Marie McCurry at West Pine Creations
Elaine P Gan (Tatting box) 
Corina Meyfeldt (cmhandmade)
Ben Fikkert blog and pattern/tutorial listing in Craftree
Wally Sosa at Needles and Shuttles
Hye-oon Lee at Lovely Tatting
Tamara at TamaraArt
Nami at namiart
Gina Brummet (threads of a tatting goddess)
Mariya Davydova (Mariya's Tatting)
Anne Bruvold (Nuperelle)
Handy Hands
Mary Donohue (Icela) patterns. Her blog.
Lafayette Lacemakers (patterns listed on right panel)
Coretta Loughmiller
Alma Negrete (Two Shuttles)
Edda Gaustella
Sue Hanson
Tatting Blossom - videos 
Virginia Moraza Brito - videos (Spanish with English subtitles)
Lillian Yeung (lilliantatlace)
Tiffany Lee  (forgetmeknot) 
Maimai Kato free patterns playlist (YT)
Daniela Ambrosini (YT) - needle tatted patterns. Many more videos besides these.
Tiina Hassinen (pitsibaa)

Although no longer in use, these have a wealth of information, experience, tips, patterns, and often a listing of contemporary blogs/sites.
Tattered - tips, techniques, patterns
Tatfully Yours
Birgit's tatting patterns


  1. What an amazing collection of reference work. Thank you so much for taking the time to pull this together! I only wish I found your board right away I've only been tatting for 3 weeks and have fallen in love with needle tatting. I'm newly disabled and the work is light weight and pulls my mind off my troubles. Thanks again.

    1. Thank you, Carol :-) So glad this can be of help - even if in future . I have needle-tatted for a total of 2 days. But this reminds me that I should include those links as well :-)
      Tatting soon becomes quite a passion, so I hope it is relaxing & rejuvenating for you always.
      Thanks for stopping by & for your kind words.

  2. This is amazing, muskaan!!!!

    1. Thanks, Gina 🌹🌿 It's still lacking so many links, though 😩

  3. A wonderful resource! Thank you for all the work.

    1. Thanks and welcome, notewords :-) It's still a WIP

  4. Great research work and very useful information. Thanks for sharing it.

    1. With pleasure, Alka. Hope you make good use of it :-)

  5. Bless you, ma'am! �� I recently picked up tatting as a hobby, but most of the resources available weren't up to date and scattered all over the place. Therefore, I was truly filled with joy after finding such an updated and helpful blog!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comment, Anonymous 💖 Happy tatting! Please do not hesitate to ask if you need specific info because often the same technique has several names 😁

  6. Thank you so much for the reference works.. I left the tatting after reaching certain point as I couldn't understand the patterns.. So I want to start it back as this will help me alot. Thank you so much..

    1. Welcome back to TatLand, 'Unknown'😍 If you have any doubts or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me - leave a comment or email me. Happy tatting 💖🌸💖

  7. THANK YOU for providing this information!!!

    1. Most welcome, Sharon 💖 Wish I could spend some time updating this further.


  9. Un tout grand merci pour toutes ces informations.
    Michelle Forclaz.

    1. Most welcome, Michelle. Hope you make good use of it. There's lots more to add since the resources keep growing 💕

  10. Hi. I only went through the 1. Section of links but more than half of them don't even work. Among the ones that work, some of them go to login only pages with no other info or invite only pages. It's pretty frustrating for someone trying to learn an art (for years) that's dying largely because of the confusion for new tatters and lack of information available on it... And, thus, a new tatter's penchant to give up.

    1. Hi Anonymous. I just went through Section 1 - Tatting & Stitches (the first 3 'paras') and found only a couple that were not working, and have updated them.
      There are several factors with outside links beyond our control but there are still ways to find the page/blog if you are willing to take the time.
      Also, the device and/or browser through which you try to access can be incompatible and cause such error notices.
      I wish you were more specific in your comment so that I could try to fix links better. I do thank you for pointing it out and will try to update as and when I find time.
      Tatting is not a dying art - please stop saying that. And there are tons of old and new resources continuously being shared online. Have a positive frame pf mind and you will find it all.
      Happy tatting and feel free to ask anytime.

  11. Hi Muskaan.
    I've been trying to register on craftree, but every time I get an "oops something went wrong" message. I've used several different browsers and devices, without luck. I also messaged them via their contact form, but no answer has come.
    Is there another way of contacting them/becomming a member

    1. Craftree had been down for at least a month, but is up and running again. Try once again and hopefully it will work. It is also possible that due to this huge fiasco, they are a bit tied up and may take some time answering you. Kersti is on FB, but didn't respond when I left a comment about Craftree. So all I can say is try once again. All the best 🌿🌺🌿

    2. Yes it works now. Thank you for your information.

    3. Most welcome, Freubelkist, and welcome to Craftree, too. 💕
