Tuesday 7 May 2024

is it a plane

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or is it a lobster?! 

It's always fun when we can get a two-in-one pattern! And this time it was simply a matter of perspective. What for so many years appeared to be a lobster, turned out to be an equally impressionable light aircraft, merely by shifting the angle!
Add a few necessary embellishments to further strengthen the look you want - that of a plane or a lobster.

I tackled two tasks simultaneously. Updating the E38 pdf with a diagram and two-shuttle instructions, and tatting this 3D figure for our May2024 game called 'Inflate Me Endrucks' in our Endrucks 1920 Project FB group. 
All relevant links are at the end of the post.
Sharing the process here ---
1. I tatted one motif of the E38 Lobster edging. However, all along the edge, small picots were made after every 2 stitches in the element/segment. It is through these picots that the 2nd motif will be attached.  
2. A second identical motif was tatted and joined along the edges of the first one.

3. Leave sufficient space open at the end to insert stuffing. Notice how the inner space is all hollow.
4. Tails of the second motif are hidden.

5. Through the open space, stuff cling wrap, filling the hollow.
Then sew in the opening using a different coloured thread (the mustard ends are visible)

6. Stiffen the model. I used a 3:1 PVA glue to water ratio. I made enough solution to dunk the model in it, turning it over and over till I was certain every portion had absorbed the diluted glue. Then I left it to dry on the little rack above the bowl itself.
I was supposed to dab out the excess glue from the tatted stitches, but forgot.

7. When completely dry, snip off the stitches in the opening and remove all the stuffing. Then sew in the opening again using appropriate thread.

8. Seen from the other side.

9. I consider this the Lobster side and even though lobsters are caught in traps/pots, I exercised some creative licence to hook it!

10. This is the plane or light aircraft side. Inserted a jump ring and then a larger hoop on top to allow it to dangle. Although dangling it at the tip of a wing would work so much better!

The 3D version can be used a pendant, brooch, charm, or simply displayed as a collectors' model .....

11. This is the motif upended. It appears like a citadel or those huge silos or oasts of old. There's always more to an Endrucks' design than meets the eye!!!

PROCESS: In converting the flat motifs to a 3D model, I referred to Pitsibaa's (Tinna Hassinen) video on how to puff up tatted motifs - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0MInK7b65Q . The only real change I made was to join the 2nd motif to the 1st while it was being tatted. However, it was not as easy, and sewing two separate motifs would've been quicker.
TIP: I found it easier to join when the edge chains were direct-tatted (reverse stitch).
Further, this motif has a large open space which can be bridged with a thrown ring.

PATTERN: Endrucks' pattern #38 (E38) - Lobster Edging pattern pdf - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EiWX78pK8oY8shFVGBFjdJIO0a4Y7fLh/view
This was prepared by Douglas Hill in Nov 2020 using a ball and shuttle. Ninetta and I are in the process of systematizing the presentations to include whatever is missing - diagram, written pattern, etc.  Hence this E38 pdf has now been updated with a diagram and short notation pattern using two shuttles. It is our endeavour to retain the  individualistic character of the volunteer's presentation despite the updates 

GAME: Our May 2024 game for which I made this model is called Inflate Me Endrucks. If you wish to join, all details can be found in this pdf - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A0hdxz54JbLCGLiDbI_-g53Xh7eNqeKQ/view
Now you see why I chose this particular motif/pattern - two tasks in one. Updated the pdf and participated in the game, LOL.
Ninetta prepared a biscornu-shaped pin cushion covered on either side with two E30 square motifs. We wanted to provide as many visual options and ideas as possible. 
While scrolling through the main patterns and the directories of derivatives, it was easy to spot so many possibilities! We hope our participants will also see them.

EP LINKS: All relevant Endrucks 1920 Project links can be found in this active doc - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1w1TZBg-HIzseGEUoJ-rko7tNbtSgZY5A18Oy2Y9Hh0Y/view

I am also presenting this plane/lobster as my submission for 'Small Decorations' game by splocik
Check out the April entries in the round up - https://splocik2.blogspot.com/2024/05/male-dekoracje-2024-galeria-kwietniowa.html  Since I do not celebrate Christmas or Easter, etc., my entries cannot relate to those decorations. However I hope they are still valid.


  1. I guess it depends whether you live near the sea or an aerodrome, which one you see first. Interesting to turn it into a 3D figure, there's not a lot of 3D tatting about.

    1. It was kind of fun, Jane, and now I am seeing so many motifs that can be converted or inflated in a similar fashion! ;-D

  2. IT is beautiful ,pozdrawiam.

  3. It's a beautiful plane 😍! And a great inspiration for the group!
    Many thanks for sharing your process and for updating the pdf!

  4. Rzeczywiście przypomina mały samolot - śliczna mała dekoracja. :)
    W tej zabawie nie ma obowiązku przedstawiania prac związanych ze świętami i dekoracje mogą być różne.
    Twój link i fotka znajdą się w podsumowaniu maja.
    Miło mi, że bawisz się u mnie.
    Pozdrawiam ciepło.

    1. Oh, excellent, splocik! Thank you so much for all the fun, inspiration, and motivation you provide :-)))

  5. It looks really cool! I think it's a fun idea to make it 3D and thank you for the instructions.
    As a side note, on step 6 I saw the red tatted object on that rack, I mistakenly thought for a second that it was the tatted lobster posing on a grill... :D
    I kind of see more of a lobster. Maybe the plane could also have a propeller in front, like the old ones from a century ago. Just an idea :)

    1. Yes, accessorizing the 3D model to resemble one or other more closely is definitely recommended, Lavi! I avoided it this time for want of time, and being a prototype, etc. For instance a few beads and extra picots for lobster claws would look good, right? And like you said, a propeller for a plane.
      Love your grilling lobster visual, LOL

  6. Bardzo ładnie się prezentuje 🙂 super sposób na usztywnienie.
    Serdecznie pozdrawiam.

  7. Nice! :)
    I think it needs a propeller. ;)
