My dear email subsrcibers,
We've had it good all these years. You subscribed to my blog through email, I kept the window open, and every new post reached your inbox immediately. Sadly, this service is being discontinued from July. You can read more details in Ninetta's post here.
However, we can still keep the doors of communication open - it requires just one little step from you. I've compiled a list of 10 options of how you can continue to grace my posts in the virtual world, so that it's merely a temporary au revoir, not a final adieu. And this is applicable for all bloggers/blogs you follow.
1. Bookmark my blog and save it in your browser, using the link (I've set it to 3 posts per page) -
2. Subscribe to Posts & Comments from the right hand panel.
3. Feedburner for Atom is another link you can save / bookmark in your browser- . Instant updates (I checked) and you get to see 25 posts starting with the most recent!
4. Create a profile. If you have Gmail, click on blogger and create your personal blog. It does not have to be public.

5. If you already have a blog, but have subscribed via email for convenience, simply add my link to your blog list and catch the latest post. Click on Layout 🠊 Add a Gadget, and select 'Blog List'. Once installed, you can keep adding as many blogs as you wish. I have over 300 blogs listed in the right panel of my blog!
6. via BlogLovin' - Here's my direct link:
You can subscribe via this site or join as a member and then follow bloggers.7. via Facebook - I am fairly regular and active on Facebook. My timeline is open to all, and I add my newest post with link there. So follow/friend me there to keep track. Here's the link -
8. via Instagram and Pinterest although I am not active on either. But who knows, I might have to make an extra effort to reconnect.
9. via email within a group - It is not possible for me to email over 1400 of my subscribers. However, it appears there are some groups that follow my blog. Perhaps someone in the group can take it upon themselves to email the post to a few members. Simply click on the M icon at end of post, and feed in the sender/receiver details and the entire post will be emailed. In fact, the leader can email the post to her/himself and then simply mark copies to all - easy!
10. Blog archive - If none of the above appeal to you, I would still appreciate an occasional eyeball. There just might be something that catches your interest. You can click on year / month to see the posts for that timeframe. Perhaps by the end of July I will have uploaded 700 posts in less than 8 years of blogging.
I sincerely hope you continue to stay connected with all of us bloggers through whichever path you choose. "The road to a friend's house is never long."
If there is any further help you need, please leave a comment or email me (through my Profile).