Thursday 26 September 2024


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 Two complimentary copies arrived a few days apart!

The IOLI Bulletin Summer 2024 - Volume 44 Number 4. It has a spectacular display of vintage laces from various museums and places! I just sat ogling at their intricate beauty. 

And tatted lace was represented by a sole article - SOUPing the Cards by yours truly.
Long time readers of my blog might remember that I often sew or use tatted motifs in different ways. Once such is on greeting cards which I shared in the article along with a few tips and notes.

And then this arrived!!! Lilas Joublet's, who we fondly know as Lilas Lace, new book 'Cluny Tatting Experiences'. In mid-August she contacted me for my address which came as a complete surprise. It seems she had referred to my Cluny tatting tutorials/pictorials and wished to send me a copy as  acknowledgement! She also included a lovely handwritten message with her name 💗

I love the layout of her bi-lingual book. I have already watched a few of her videos (through QR codes) and am eager to try out a few of her lovely patterns. She has written the book as a kind of log or diary of her experiences with her entire Cluny tatting journey. 

Many many thanks to Liz and Lilas - these complimentary copies brighten up my tatting corner and my tatting-filled heart!


  1. How lovely that both acknowledge your contribution. Enjoy them both.

    1. Thanks, Jane. I forgot to take a pic of what Lilas wrote. Will upload later.
