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A  page  where  I  will  periodically  jot  down  my  Notes  &  Points about  various  techniques  used  in  tatting … stuff  that  I  need to remember, stuff  that  can be confusing, stuff  that  can help in designing, …or  simply  good  to  know ! 
Links  to  tuts : 'Tatting Resources'  & 'My Tutorials' Tabs/pages.
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last updated : May 1, 2020
new additions will be made from the top ...

Double Stitch  v/s  Reverse Stitch (scroll down for more):
1 double stitch in made of 1st half stitch (under-over) followed by 2nd half stitch (over-under).     1 ds = fhs, shs

1 reverse stitch is made of unflipped 2nd half stitch (over-under) followed by unflipped 1st half stitch (under-over).    1 rs = ushs, ufhs

When 2 adjacent outward facing rings are joined closer to the base, they spread out ; when joined around mid-section, the rings lie closer. This affects the circumference.

Cupping v/s Ruffling 
cupping occurs when outer round is tight ; ruffling occurs when outer round is loose.
To avoid cupping – decrease inner round or increase outer round ;
To avoid ruffling – increase inner round or decrease outer round.

Trefoil & Clover
when all 3 rings are same size, it's a trefoil;
when centre ring is larger or smaller, it's a clover.

Split Chain
When working on front side, for complete DS, work right to left. Pull 1st loop Down to begin wrapping the stitch as in CWJ.
When working from back side, for RODS,  work from left to right. Pull 1st loop Up to start wrapping the stitch as in CWJ.     

Bead Tatting
If a substantial number of beads are to be used in a project, instead of stringing them on to the shuttle string them on the ball thread & make SCMRs instead of true rings !!! 

Node Tatting or Victorian Set  v/s  Spiral Tatting or Josephine Chain
Node Tatting :  half stitch segments are switched/changed/alternated after set intervals producing an undulating effect that is 'superficial' ie. only over the top/front side of the chain. When seen from the back,  there appear to be nodes .
Spiral Tatting : same half stitch throughout. The undulating or spiral effect is throughout -- the entire chain twists itself like a spiral. Choice of hs will determine the direction of this twist/spiral.

Lattice Stitch Tatting - Priscilla Tatting Book #3, 1924 is a vintage term for Victorian sets. Other terms include ric-rac tatting.

Lattice Tatting - rows of reversing chains joined to previous row to create a lattice.

Folded Tatting 
Both chains, and rings can be folded.
To fold to the left (setb)  : vsp, 2 shs
To fold to the right (seta): vsp, 2 fhs

Catherine Wheel Join
It makes a neat ds while joining to a picot below, thus maintaining continuity of stitch appearance. Also gives a smooth unbroken line. And it also encapsulates the SH1 thread, so that if working with 2 colours, no colour blip is visible !
However, this join will not allow a chain to curve inwards ! It stands to logical reasoning because a) the join becomes slightly more bulky (it is a complete ds) than a Lock Join, & b) the cap/head of a ds is wider than it's base/legs giving the chain a tendency to curl in convex arc. This tendency is enhanced because of the ds in CWJ (unlike in LJ, where it is a mere knot at base, thus making the chain more pliable & possible to curve in concave arc, too.)
If one is working FS/BS, then make the CWJ in reverse. Instead of pulling loop up through picot, pull it down, passing SH2 front to back first, then back to front.

Floating Chain/SSSCh Curlicues
  • Curling depends on thread used. Stiffer threads will resist curling to some extent.
  • Must keep the stitches snugged/tensioned tightly for chain to curl
  • But stitches themselves should Not be wrapped very tightly.
  • In rayon thread, I noticed that since my RS were probably slightly looser than normal ds, the chain tended to curve easily.      

Lock Chain
  • Requires 2 shuttles
  • Chain remains straight for any length (unlike normal ds chain which curves)
  • Fewer stitches required as compared to ds, for same length.
  • Narrower ? long pds chains remain straight too, but are thicker & stiffer.
  • LChs are pliable & can be conformed to desired shapes.
  • Great textured effect.
  • Best visible in 2 contrasting colours

Reverse Stitch
An Unflipped stitch. Used in Split Rings, in Encapsulation, SSSCh, Pearl tatting, S-chain, etc.
Also known as
  • Lark’s Head Knot (LHK)
  • Unflipped hitches/stitches
  • 2nd half of split ring method/stitch
  • Encapsulation stitch
  • wrapped stitch
  • unflipped reverse order stitch
Rosace (Lady Hoares) aka Rosette & Onion Rings ?
Commonly known as
  • Concentric Rings
  • Rosette
  • Onion Rings
From what I understand so far, Lady Hoares (Elgiva Nicholls' book) invented the Rosace formation which we now know by other names, with slight tweaks, but 'similar appearance'.  Part of the following is shared by Patty Dowden (in quotes)...
  • "Starts with a central ring, adding chain segments close around the ring."
  • "Rosette usually with 6 arcs of chain, connected to previous rounds with a Lock Join."
  • Onion Ring "emphasizes the closeness of the outer "rings" & uses as few joins as possible & usually use a Slope & Roll Join" (aka Onion Ring Join) "since it can be invisible so that the outer 'rings' seem to be held in place magnetically."
  • Hence differences lie in : number of joins, type of join, number of outer 'rings'/chains.
Variations : 
  • One can also start with a chain, perhaps as a more modern adaptation.
  • The joins in a rosette can have a 'stitch shift' to create a Spiral effect.
  • Onion rings can be made with central ring, followed by another Ring, and only the 3rd concentric circle as a chain (or faux ring).
  • A 'distanced' chain around the inner ring
Is a enclosed space medallion made of outward facing rings joined back; thus requiring a picot join to the right (last to first ring, folded, …)

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