Tuesday 1 October 2024

a 3 in 1 leaf

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Ninetta has announced our new game for the month of October however I couldn't post my second submission for September in time even though I finished tatting it on the night of 30th Sep ;-D

 What can I say! When I have multiples of any motif I enjoy rearranging them to see what shapes emerge. I've already shown several such for the E15 Leaf Doodle #1. This motif is so adaptable that it boggles my mind. (All links related to E15 leaves are at the end of this post)

This time I took all three versions (tatted back in Dec2023) and thought the arrangement looked very much like the leaf of a grape plant. All that was needed was to tat an edge all around them, keeping them in place and wouldn't take too long.

I placed them again on blank paper and drew an outline in pencil. Took a pic. I referred back to the pic several times to confirm where to join. 

Used Victorian sets with a few picots thrown in for a textured outline. A darker shade of thread was an oopsie, not deliberate, LOL.
TIP: In Victorian sets, make the picot between 1st half-stitch set and 2nd half-stitch set for it to face outward. And a slightly longer picot.

I was simply winging it and have no stitch count. There is a very short split chain at the base to center the stem. I've left a few inches of tails for future addition.
Tatting didn't take long as expected, but unfortunately  I couldn't include the intended bunch of grapes in time. Task for future, hopefully within this month. 

If you look closely you will also see a bit of a mess in the center. No sweat! In nature perhaps a little birdie or a caterpillar shredded a portion and that's what it is ;-D

I think this looks better in real than in the pics - hubby identified it immediately as a grape leaf - and I could've done a better job. Nevertheless the joy counts for a great deal! Call it Leaf Relief!!!

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