Sunday 5 May 2024


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 or well, pruning if you want to be too technical!

But imagine,  I snipped these from one potted plant and there were still so many twigs and leaves left! 
Here's how it looked exactly one month back (second last pic) -
I call that a harvest, LOL
I had gone to take only a couple of leaves for the hash brown and we decided to give the plant a trim to further the growth. This plant has given us so much pleasure, aroma, and herbs!


  1. It’s clearly a happy plant in the right spot.

    1. Yes, Jane, some of our plants have really thrived. 🌿💚🌿

  2. That looks like a very healthy plant! It reminds me of how absolutely leggy and weird my basil has become... Still alive though :D

    1. Hopefully your basil will spring a pleasant surprise, Lavi! 💚🍀 Our plants also tend to have long internodes due to less exposure to sunlight.

  3. Looks like you had a bigger harvest than what you started with! Lots of growth in a month. Is this the herb that tastes like I call oregano? Wonder if you can freeze what you don't use right away.... for winter use.

    1. Oh yes, Steph, there are a lot more twigs and oregano leaves left, albeit the leaves are smaller. Will wait till they grow larger before the next 'harvesting' occurs ;-P
      I doubt the leaves can be frozen since they contain a lot of moisture. I will share my own method of dehydrating them, though.
