Friday, 28 February 2025

DAL 2025 challenge

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 Well, I wanted to show some techniques/effects for glossary entries and decided to create a motif to incorporate them. It resulted in a very simple motif, nothing fancy. It may not even be original though I did not refer to or look for any patterns. and it's still a work in progress. 

I kind of like how it looks so far and it could very well be the starting center for a larger motif, if you wish to participate in yet another Design Along (DAL). Tat this two-round motif and then design as many rounds as you wish around it. Sharing your stitch count/pattern is highly appreciated. All will be shared in my blog.

NOTE: I started with a single-shuttle rosette with the intention to cut away later rounds and reuse it for other samples, hence I cut off the thread and hid tails. However, you are free to climb out by making the 6th ring a split ring. Remember to use two shuttles for continuous tatting.

Muskaan's DAL 2025 Challenge

Round 1 - Rosette - one shuttle or two shuttles, continuous thread
ringA: 5-6-6-5. do not reverse work
ringB: 5+6-6-5. do not reverse work
Repeat ringB till you have a total of 6 rings, joining the 6th ring to the first ring.
Cut and hide ends OR climb out with the last ring as a split ring.

Round 2 - Curled Rings  (CR)- one shuttle and ball or continue with two shuttles.
CR: 10-10. Curl around any rosette ring. 
Chain: 2 (-2)×9. Repeat all around. 
NOTE: Picots are 3.5mm high or open picot is 7mm long. [My motif is worked in Anchor size 20, which is similar to Lizbeth size 10).

Hope you like the motif and would be interested in designing and tatting more rounds. Leave a comment or contact/tag me on Facebook or Instagram.

Take it away, friends!

My next round is already decided which is why I have all those picots in the 2nd round. Will share when it is finished. 

Some of my previous DALs can be found here -

And tutorials/videos for all techniques can be found here -

Friday, 21 February 2025

overlapping interests

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Barbara Arango first caught my attention on FB several years back when she tried to recreate a design at the back of a hand mirror into a tatted motif! Since then she has successfully recreated more fabric prints into tatted lace. And in order to get the desired effect, she comes up with her own solutions. Some of these are clever adaptations or applications of existing techniques, though they evolve from her own trials and errors, the fruit of her own labours, without realising prior existence.

My recent post showing a tatted ring made with her overlapping split rings generated quite some interest and a couple of requests to show the steps. With Barbara's permission, I am sharing my pictorials along with pics of a few projects where she used them ... see for yourself how wonderfully they can be applied. Some quick practice patterns are also included but let your imagination take you places! All you need to know is how to tat split rings!!!

In the end, for immediate comparison, I have also included my own 2016 effect where I first coined the term. Links to a snowflake using the effect are also listed at the very end.


Abbreviations used: Sh=shuttle in hand; CTM=continuous thread method; SR=split ring; vsp=very small picot; ds=double stitch; Ch=chain; - = picot; + = join to; LJ=lock join to.

There is no need to reverse work. The motifs are worked from the front continuously in clockwise direction or from left to right.

A]  Overlapping  Split  Ring  Braid, Barbara Arango style (2019)

2 shuttles (CTM if working in single colour). For pictorial I used two colours - Sh1: pink, Sh2:cream - Anchor knitting cotton size 10.
1. SR1: 8 vsp 5 vsp 8 / vsp 5.
NOTE: While the first ring can be worked as a normal ring, I prefer to start with a SR here so that the shape of all rings remains the same.  
2. Start SR2 leaving a very small false picot.
SR2: 8 +(SR1) 5 vsp 8 / 5.
3. 2nd split ring tatted and is being closed.
4. Two split rings made and you can see the overlap between them.

5. Repeat SR2 for desired length, joining to previous ring as you go.

Practice Pattern for ring, bracelet or choker
6. Above is the braid I had shared in the post, using the same count. This can be started CTM as a normal ring, too.
After tatting a few more rings, I joined the last ring to the first, keeping the overlap consistent. Think of this as an ANKARS joining, positioning one ring above the other before joining. 
Pre-string beads to embellish as desired and use as jewellery.

I like the rectangular shape created by the rings with the above count. Got to thinking how even SRs would overlap. 
So, here I used 8ds between each vsp. Rings are rounder, but the overlap is consistent. To get them to overlap more, the overlapping segments need to be longer.

And here are Barbara's projects (2019-2022) using the braid style -

Notice how the rings get smaller?

The applique and embroidered designs on the left inspired her to recreate it in tatted lace and she used the overlapping SR braid effectively.

And to remind you of the practice pattern I shared in my previous post: 

B]  Overlapping  Split  Rings , Barbara Arango style #2 (2021)

The same technique as above but used in a kind of onion ring formation, in one pass. Here Sh1 has cream and Sh2 has pink thread.  If working with single colour, use continuous thread.

1. SR1: 5 vsp 10 / vsp 5.

2. Leave a very small false picot and start 2nd split ring.
SR2: 10 +(SR1) 5 / 5. Switch shuttle
3. With Sh2 in hand, continue for chain...
Ch: vsp 10 - 10 LJ(SR1) 10 - 10 LJ(SR2). Switch shuttle
4. One motif of overlapping split rings made, all worked from the front.
5. Start 2nd motif with Sh1 in hand, leaving a very small false picot.
SR3: 5 vsp 10 / 5.
6. Repeat from SR2 onwards for desired length. 
TIP: Instead of a lock join  through the false picot, one can make an under-over or alligator join from the 2nd motif onwards.

Wouldn't this make a lovely bracelet or choker when embellished with a few choice beads!

And here's how Barbara applied it in a doily (2021) -
This is the doily inspired by a design behind a hand mirror. And to get the effect, she cleverly used this formation of the overlapping split rings! Since then she has created several more designs which you can view in the Just-Tatting FB group.

 Overlapping Split Rings , Muskaan (2016)
It was back in 2016 that I first shared my nascent trial and coined the term Overlapping Split Rings. As you can see from the pic below, my method involves a braid of uneven split rings which are folded and joined back to create an overlap in the center. The SRs remain free in the center creating a distinct 3D and faux Celtic effect. 
SR-A: 9 / vsp 12.
SR-B: 4-1-1-4 / 12.
SR-C: 9 / 12.
Lock join to vsp of A.
One motif created. 

I used this motif to design a snowflake. Despite the immediate help of my trusted test-tatters, I haven't published the pattern here. I called it the Mutant Snowflake. Following are respective posts - 
We can also increase the number of rings to get polygonal shapes and interesting overlaps!

I realise this is a long post. However, if I didn't post now it would further get delayed. Thanks for your patience in reading this and hope you try and experiment with some of them.

In case you wish to use leftover threads for trials, here are a couple of pictorials that will help you start knotless with a split ring without CTM
How to start a split ring with a picot - PDF:

Many thanks to Barbara for extending the boundaries! All in the eye of the beholder!

Friday, 14 February 2025

Vee bit late

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This little flower was tatted several days back and I was going to  post the pattern along with a pictorial for overlapping split rings. But that's going to take a couple more days to write the post and ink the pics. So this prototype pattern is for you to play with on Valentine's Day. A little late, but flowers are the flavour year round! 

Tatted in Anchor size 20 (similar to Lizbeth 10), the flower itself is only about 1.5cms high and 2cms wide. The rest is stem with leaves.

The idea came to me while preparing a pictorial for Barbara's overlapping split rings. These form the petals, joining each petal to the previous one and the last to the first. It is a simple picot join just like when you do stacked rings in ANKARS keeping one ring above the other.
If you don't want to knot the two threads at the start, these resources might be handy - 

Little 3D Flower
a prototype pattern by Muskaan © Feb2025

Abbreviations: SR=split ring ; vsp=very small picot; fhs=1st half-stitch; -=picot; shs=2nd half-stitch.

Start with two colours wound in two shuttles. Shuttle 1 - petal colour; Shuttle 2 - green colour.
With shuttle 1 in hand or as the active shuttle, start the first split ring ... (refer image above)

SR1: 9 vsp 3, 4fhs - 4shs, 3 vsp 9 / vsp 3.
SR2: 9 +(to SR1) 3, 4fhs - 4shs, 3 - 9 / 3.
Repeat SR2 two more times.
SR5: 9 +(to SR4) 3, 4fhs - 4shs, 3 +(to SR1) 10 / 3.

NOTE: I made 5 petals (5th not seen in above WIP image) but in the 5th one, I increased the stitch from 9 to 10 in latter half so that it overlapped better. Adjust to ensure the overlap remains consistent. Join 5th petal to the 1st one, arranging the overlap consistently.

FYI: (4fhs, p, 4shs) is the node stitch which creates a dimple in the ring.

Do not cut threads, continue for stem. You can string or join a bead to the center of the flower using any one the threads. 

Stem is a Josephine or spiral chain. Use whichever half-stitch you wish.
NOTE: For leaves I used the Petal Ring by Maimai Kaito (2016) Instagram, YouTube, following Lesson #178 by Karen Cabrera Unfortunately it was difficult to photograph the curvature and sharp tip of the leaf though it is visible in some pics.
Choose your own stitch count for the leaves. The upper leaf is slightly smaller than the lower one.
Continue the stem for desired length.

I see a lot of scope for improvement but that, too, will have to wait for another day. Feel free to tweak and improve and show me what you come up with! I went with tinted pink for a rose or cherry blossom. Which colour and flower would you choose to tat with?

Related Posts -

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

dizzying no more

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.... thanks to Ninetta who always delivers with her engineering brain! I was trying out Mark Myer's (Tatman) Dizzy Double Stitch and simply could not get the 1st half-stitch right. Sought Ninetta's help and she surprised me with a video showing the process! I based my pictorial on this video. 

'Tatman' Mark Myer's DIZZY  DOUBLE  STITCH
Ninetta Caruso's video (Feb 2025) -
Muskaan's pictorial PDF (Feb 2025) -

This stitch can be considered a form of padding the stitch where only the knotting thread has extra bulk or padding while the core thread remains unaffected. See Padded Double Stitch -
The extra twist in the thread creates a nice texture and height and tries to recreate a crochet stitch. We now know of another tatting stitch that mimics crochet - the Treble Tatting Stitch!

Above is my first trial while following Ninetta's video. Notice the extremely thick cord I used, LOL!

While I am sharing all pics for the pictorial here, for more details, please refer to the links given above.

1. Working in two colours, blue in shuttle and yellow ball. I started by making a small ring followed by a chain with a few double stitches (DS) and 3 dizzy DS. Here’s how the latter is done …
2. 1st half-stitch: Make a loop with the ball thread keeping it behind the shuttle thread. Hold the base of the loop in a pinch along with the shuttle thread (black arrow).The loop is held taut around your other finger- middle or index finger, whichever you use (red arrow).
TIP: It is very important to know where to insert the shuttle and which thread to pull while snugging.

3. Bring the shuttle above the loop and
4. pass it through the loop from back to front, from the lower/right part that lies behind your finger ...

5. and pass the shuttle from behind the core thread (between loop and shuttle thread).
6. Transfer/flip and remove all slack by pulling on the upper/left part of the loop. Notice there is a twist in the half-stitch.
7. 1st half-stitch of the dizzy DS is made and neatly snugged.
TIP: For the twist to show, keep the stitch a bit loose. Pulling on the ball thread too much will hide the ‘weaving’ effect. 
8. 2nd half-stitch: Start a loop just like for the 1st half-stitch and hold in pinch. Refer #2.
9. Bring the shuttle up keeping the thread in front and
10. pass it through the loop from front to back at the lower/right part of loop and above the core thread between the space between loop and shuttle thread.

11. Transfer or flip the stitch and remove all slack. Again, keep the stitch a bit loose for the twist to show. 
12. 2nd half-stitch made and neatly snugged.
One Dizzy Double Stitch made. Repeat the steps for as many stitches as needed.

A chain with dizzy DS. Notice how the stitch gets better when I kept the knotting/ball thread 'loose'.
A dizzy DS chain joined back for a mock ring.

Tatted by Anita Barry (comparing tightly snugged and loose stitches)
  • The samples above clearly show the reason why we need to keep the dizzy DS a bit loose.
  • Ninetta 'cracked' it because Mark pointed out the similarity with working the 2nd side of a split ring. Perhaps this can be kept in mind.
  • It is a good idea to leave a small picot before the first stitch and after the last stitch to compensate for the extra height (Ninetta).
  • Picots can be made in the normal way by leaving space in the ball thread.
  • For a straight chain, use a thicker core thread. 
Initially I thought we couldn't use the stitch in a ring. However, when Ninetta said we can, I gave it a try and it worked! However, it turns out that I approached it a bit differently, reminiscent of a Loop Tatted Ring! Meanwhile Ninetta made another video for a ring, following Mark’s instructions. 
Ninetta's video for Dizzy Double Stitch in a Ring -
So here's my slight variation .... 

I started a ring with 1DS. And above is how I worked the dizzy DS, just like in the chain. I divided the ring loop into two and held the base of loop and shuttle thread in a pinch. On the lower/right part of the top loop, I followed the steps for each half-stitch as shown in the chain pictorial. 

Jane Eborall (2009) used the 2nd half-stitch to make textured Josephine Rings that are denser. Josephine Ring (alternative way) –
I had used this in the buds for my Poppy pattern back in 2014 -

Karen Cabrera (2010/11) shows a slightly different method of working the stitches which can be considered a variation of the original. Lesson 37 -
Ninetta Caruso (2025) compares Mark’s and Karen’s stitch in this video -
I hope you like this revisit to a 'forgotten' stitch and will use it to decorate some of your future tatted lace. It's a fun and quick tat once you get a hang of it! You can find tutorial links for all terms mentioned here -

Many many many thanks to all mentioned above!

Saturday, 1 February 2025

direct method tatting

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I had a very interesting experience earlier this week. In her book 'The Complete Book of Tatting' (1985), Rebecca Jones highlights six methods of tatting, one of which is what she calls the Direct Method Tatting. This should not be confused with Direct Tatting which entails using reverse stitches to tat chains, etc.

The stitch really doesn't care how it is made, as Patty Dowden famously said!

Since I hadn't intended to do a pictorial, I merely took a few pics for my own reference. Hopefully these will be enough to give you an idea and a way for me to recall easily. 


Rebecca Jones (1985)

1. We start by looping the ring thread around the shuttle as seen in the pic - a luggage tag loop, such that when the shuttle is passed through the loops, and tensioned, it forms a lark's head knot (LHK). 
Notice the starting tail of the shuttle thread. 
This step can be a tad tricky, so try to focus on the entry and exit points of the thread. Fortunately it is only needed once for the very first stitch.

2. After the shuttle is pulled through and the stitch snugged, this is how it looks. It appears upside down when compared to a normal shuttle-tatted ring. However, as we move along they right themselves.

3. After the starting or foundation LHK, tatting continues by making each half-stitch. 
For 1st half-stitch, loop the thread counterclockwise and pass shuttle through. Snug.
TIP: Make kind of a one and a half turn before passing shuttle through otherwise the stitch is not formed.

4. Making the 2nd half-stitch ... turn the ring loop clockwise, pass shuttle through and snug.

5. Notice the second direct method stitch is made. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for required number of stitches. 
Picots can be made by leaving some space as we do normally.
6. When the ring is closed, the stitches face outwards and the ring looks exactly like a shuttle-tatted ring.
The same steps can be applied to chains as well using loops made with the ball or left-hand thread.

You may justifiably ask why this method. I think it is a nice way to transition from needle tatting to shuttle tatting. Even if a tatter cannot manage the flip/transfer, s/he can use a shuttle just as easily! As a knitter, I have used my thumb to make the loops to cast on stitches and I used the same movements for needle tatting. Hence I found this pretty easy-going.
Besides, Rebecca also points out that this method might be easier on arthritic hands and a tatter can continue to enjoy making lace. 

I haven't had time to explore this further. Hopefully some of you will be interested and share your observations and experiments ...