updated post with revised images
promised, here are 5 free patterns from Vrinda. She created 6 patterns one
of which was called Checkers. However,
even though she came up with it independently, since it is a common split ring
square, the pattern is not shared here.
At the very beginning, Vrinda
had graciously given me permission to share them on my blog.
Unfortunately it has taken time. In deference to individual preferences, I have notated the pattern in photos alongside
the written pattern.
from Knotty Creations !
3cms square motifs
designed by Vrinda Bandishte
for Tat a Brussels Monument in Pink
I started in size 20 blue then switched to size 40
cream. I will show you why in the next post.
I like the way different techniques have been used to create interesting squares.
A few general notes before I begin
with the actual patterns.
- Vrinda’s pink squares, designed for Tat a Brussels’ Monument in Pink measure
3cmsx3cms when worked in Anchor size 20. As I’ve often pointed out, Anchor
20 is thicker than Lizbeth 20. Hence, stitches will need to tweaked
depending on the brand you are using.
- “slip ds” in her
notation refers to reverse stitch (rs) or lark’s head knot or unflipped
stitches as used in the 2nd side of a split ring or in
- “Zigzag chain” here
refers to Sabina Carden-Madden’s S-chain. It is made of alternating flipped
and unflipped stitches. i.e., 1 double
stitch and 1 reverse stitch. Vrinda counts each stitch separately, not as
a pair. Thus chain of 5 means (1ds,1rs,1ds,1rs,1ds). And she always starts
with a normal double stitch.
- Some medallions use a central
picot in first ring, to which later rings are attached. Ensure that
this central picot is long enough to hold additional rings.
- In 2-shuttle tatting, when in doubt, use the shuttle that is
closest in position to start the next element.
- I have tried to make minimal changes to the written pattern,
except for consistency or bringing it in line with common notations.
Sequence and some details are notated on my tatted models. My models are
worked in Anchor size 40 in cream. Vrinda’s original models are in pink.
- Some of the squares need to be blocked.
- Leigh Martin has prepared pdfs for these squares, along with her
notes. These can be accessed from Craftree.
CTM continuous thread method.
ds double stitch
rs reverse
stitch (unflipped stitch in reverse order as in a split ring)
– or p picot
vsp very small picot
R ring
-- long
+ join
rw reverse
SR split
sh shuttle
SS switch
FR floating
The enclosed space in this
medallion is formed by clusters of block tatting.
used :
block tatting , starting chain with a picot
Worked all from the front in
clockwise direction.
Load the shuttle with the required
thread. Keep the ball attached.
Insert a paperclip to hold picot
before starting chain.
Start Block One with chain of 6ds,
vsp, chain of 6rs. Join to the start of the previous chain.
Repeat twice to form a block of 6
chains, with a vsp at start of each chain.
** Chain of 6ds, p, 6ds. Pull
Block Two :
Chain of 6ds, join to base of last
chain of previous block. Continue the chains to form block two. **
Repeat from ** to **, twice.
Chain of 6ds, p, 6ds.
Attach to the start of the first
Hide the ends and neaten.
A zigzag chain outlines the square
shape of this central picot medallion
used :
central picot, zigzag or S-chain, picot join to the right (folded join)
Worked in counterclockwise
see notes for zigzag chain
revised direction |
One shuttle and ball of thread,
R1: 5 – 5 -– 5 – 5. rw
S-chain : 5 -- 15 -- 5 rw
**R2 : 5 + 5 + 5 – 5. rw
S-chain : 5 + (last p of previous
chain) 15 -- 5 rw**
Repeat from ** to ** 2 more
times, joining the last ring and last chain to the first ring and chain
Finish by tying the chain ends to
the base of first R. Hide ends and trim excess thread ends.
TIP : Make the pioct on chains long to give a better finish and sharper
corners (see the bottom right model in lead photo).
A central ring medallion worked in
one pass from the front in counterclockwise direction
used :
2-shuttles, mock picot, split ring
NOTE : This motif turned out smaller than 3cms. Hence I added 2 stitches in
each segment of each element. Following is the altered stitch count.
Load two shuttles, CTM. Start with
revised direction & stitchcount |
Central R1 : 7 – 7 – 7 – 7. close.
Leave mock picot space.
SR2 : 7 vsp 10 – 10 / 7.
**Chain (sh2): 7. SS
SR3 : 10 – 10 / 7 + 7. **
Repeat from ** to ** 3 times.
Chain (sh2): 7. Join to first
picot of SR2.
Hide ends and neaten.
TIP : One can make the central ring and climb out with a mock picot and
split ring; or one can throw the central ring off the first SR (from the 2nd
think this motif would look lovely in 2 colours, especially when tessellated to
create interesting patterns.
A central picot medallion made
with inward facing clovers.
used :
2-shuttles, split ring, zigzag or S-chain
Load two shuttles, CTM. Start with shuttle 1.
R1 : 10 vsp 10.
R2 : 8 –- 8.
SR3: 10 / 10. rw
Zigzag chain : 1ds, 1rs, 1ds,
picot, 1ds, 1rs, 1ds. rw.
**SR4: 10 / 10
R5 : 8 + 8.
SR6: 10 / 10. rw
Zigzag chain : 1ds, 1rs, 1ds,
picot, 1ds, 1rs, 1ds. rw. **
Repeat from ** to ** 3 times. Join
to the vsp of the first R. Hide ends and neaten.
TIP : I did rw (reverse work) before and after the zigzag chain so that
the picot faces outwards easily and the shuttles also remain in the right
A central picot medallion made
with inward facing thrown rings.
used :
2-shuttles, split ring, thrown ring (from 2nd side of SR),
zigzag or S-chain
UPDATE Mar 23 : revised direction |
NOTE: There is a floating
ring (FR) thrown off the 2nd side of each split ring. Start the
split ring and when we come to that point, switch to shuttle2, make the ring,
switch back to shuttle1 and continue to finish the original split ring.
The first floating ring also has a
long central picot top which later FRs will be attached.
Load 2 shuttles, CTM. Start with shuttle1.
SR1 : 6 – 6 / 6 SS, FR: 8 –- 8,
SS, 6. close.
**Zigzag chain: 9
SR2 : 6 – 6 / 6 SS, FR: 8 + 8, SS,
6. close **
Repeat from ** to ** 3 times,
Zigzag chain: 9
Join to the base of first R.
ends and neaten.
There was a mistake when I first tatted this motif.
I made 15 stitch zigzag chains instead of 9 stitches.
And the merry-go-round
spun away !!!
If we add a picot in the center of each chain, we get another square motif !
Before I leave, another glimpse of
her multiple talents - a handmade and handcrafted shuttle.
Can you guess the material?
Tatting Shuttle made from a Coconut shell !!!
Many many
thanks to Vrinda for sharing her lovely patterns
hope you have tons of fun tatting up squares :-)