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Paola Bevilacqua's Pitcher with ladle (E18a+E44) for #giftmeEndrucks March2023 |
Our Game of the Month for March 2023 was sort of a continuation for the February #PickMeEndrucks game (roundups in April). Having tatted all those motifs, we needed to collect and display them in a basket or bowl, etc., in order to gift. Hence we called it Gift Me Endrucks and the patterns were from the Basket Directory (which contained both 2D and 3D patterns). Of course, tatters were free to create a new derivative which we are happy to note happened as the model above shows. Some designers were requested to create a shareable pattern of their old models, and they enthusiastically complied!
#GiftMeEndrucks Mar2023 -- Endrucks 1920 Project FB group
All patterns derived from Endrucks' book ‘Die Schiffchen-Spitszen’,1920 and now compiled in ....
Basket, Boxes, Bowls Directory -
The images are arranged from Z to A, and while the participants might be few, most of them tatted more than one model from the same or different patterns!
[E3, E1, E42, etc., refers to the original pattern from which each motif was derived or adapted.]
E18a+E44 - “Conca Abruzzese” (Pitcher) with ladles. Sewn with beaded flowers on fabric on a hoop.
E3 - Fruit/Chocolate Bowl embellished with crystals and pearls and tatted flowers.
Both the above pitcher and bowl along with 2 other displays.
E28 - 3D Bowl with her #pickmeEndrucks motifs strewn around. (new)
3. Paola Emilia Rotuletti -
E31 - Lacy Bowl with little knick-knacks and a tatted dove.
4. Paola Bevilacqua -
E18a+E44 - “Conca Abruzzese”. Pitcher with ladles. Pattern shared (new)
E18a+E44 - “Conca Abruzzese” - mounted and framed along with tatted butterflies and flowers/foliage. The background showing a lady with the pitcher n her head is also painted by Paola.
5. Muskaan -
E37 - Rubik's Cube Box.
My intention was to either stuff it and use as a pin cushion, or line it with transparent sheet for shape and usage. However, besides joining the 'lid' with metal jump rings, I didn't do anything further. However it has turned out perfect for my air pods, situated cozily in my bedside drawer.
7. Lella Loops -
E17 - 3D Egg Shell and E1 - Happy Hands Butterfly from #pickmeEndrucks; all needle-tatted.
8. Lea Di Palma -
E44 - Mother’s Day 3D Basket/Bowl with a cozy little chick!
9. Krystyna Mura -
E31 - Lacy Bowl (or Basket) and
E31 - Lacy Bowl (or Basket). Pattern shared. (new)
10. Debra F Cox -
E18a+E44 - Pitcher, displayed with #PickMeEndrucks butterflies and flower.
There is another batch of pics to show! It is such an exciting feeling to be part of such a talented and enthusiastic group!
to be continued ...
Many many thanks to all members displaying your creativity and sharing your pattern.