Tuesday 23 May 2023


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 Remember my problem and the mood to give up on my own 3rd round design? Well turns out there were two possible solutions! Anna Bonelli suggested something in Italian which, though lost (on me) in translation actually threw up the first solution to my mind! After making the join I could leave some bare core thread, work and interlace the large ring, then go back and cover the bare thread with 'tied' stitches using the 2nd shuttle!

Anna then tatted a sampler to show what she meant, and that is the solution I adopted. Notice the ring is now horizontal instead of vertical, and I made it smaller too.
Meanwhile I had this idea to use block tatting at the tip. It caught my imagination and between these two elements I allowed my shuttles to do the work, starting with treble tatting arches.
I like how the block appears like a flame. 
In several places I hadn't made any picots. Used a finer crochet hook to clear enough space for a join.
To offset any denseness, I did the bare thread thing in the center. I could use dot picot strings, but wouldn't it be overkill?
Just like the Josephine Ring at the tip of the 'flame' is an overkill, right? Although I cannot decide on the JR above the treble tatting arch.
I was going to include decorative picots, but I like the clean lines here.

So what is your verdict? 
I am open to suggestions since I haven't yet started tatting. Oh and this time I'll be using a muted shade of yellow.

So far the design-along has roped in 12 tatters: 1 diagram only; 5 models only (1 WIP); 5 models with patterns; and 1 late starter. I will collect them all in a Google Doc with shareable link so feel free to join the game whenever you can .... 
My journey so far -
Many many thanks to Anna Bonelli for her wonderful solution that got me going!


  1. Could be very pretty. I see this in shades of blues and greens for water.

    1. Love your colour palette, Sam 💙💚💙 Must remember for a future project 😍

  2. Splendid solution! No, you don’t need decorative picots, yes, perhaps the josephine knot is too much. Makes me think of a Russian building, though I see the flame too.

    1. Oh yes, now I see those cathedral building domes on Red Square, too, Jane 😁🩵💙🩵 Thanks for your feedback, appreciate it 😍

  3. I love that fancy design!!! :)

  4. I like your take on this! The first thing I thought of when I saw it was the top of a Russian building, but I see the flame. The josephine knot may or may not be a problem. How do they look when the next arm is done?

    1. Thanks, Wanda 💕 I started with the new thread last night and replaced the JK with a picot and it looks fine. I also did not do the JK on the treble arches. Instead I used graduated trebles. 😍

  5. I look forward to seeing this finished, the Russian Onion Dome looks great.

    1. Thanks, Marja, I have uploaded my finished version in my new post. 😍

  6. I like the Russian dome and hope you can finish the whole snowflake, I am now starting again and I think I might have cracked it, will post when I have finished the round.

    1. I finished tatting a couple of nights back, Margaret, but hadn't taken pics. Now posted, and waiting expectantly to see your's 😍
