Saturday 30 September 2017

charming in pink

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Encircled Charm
Usha Shah
Another beautiful medallion pattern from Usha ! Well, it would’ve been, if I hadn’t been in such a hurry. Using some leftover threads, I managed only 6 rings to her 8.

A very clever pattern and 2-colour effect ! The dot picot cluster is overlaid midways through tatting a ring. It is a variant of Alternate Thread Tatting (ATT) and Ikuta’s Picots (method 2).

I deliberately tried to increase the bare thread space (from 6mm to 7mm), intending for it to look more like a flower. But it didn’t work out properly. This was tatted in a hurry before class, using some leftover threads – wanted to be prepared before attending.
Notice the pink thread beneath the cluster on the topmost ring? That is the core thread which lies across the cluster at the back. In this first petal I tried to decrease the space, tugging the ring hard. Wrong ! Close the ring normally and let the bare thread lie behind.

Future Idea - Can you see this around a Gem or Penny or a Button – a new Ice Drop pattern?

Many many thanks, Usha, for sharing this adorable pattern !

Charming view ! 
Jack’s Beanstalk ?!


These are a few pics of the Rangoon Creeper just outside my window. I love the flowers and the rapid and luxuriant growth of these climbers (there is  a 4-day gap between the 2 pics). We have these on every building in our complex – climbing up a rope right up to the terrace. Every year for one reason or other a climber may fall down. But like Jack’s Beanstalk they grow back in no time !!!
DH kept prodding me to cut and put a bunch in a vase and I kept telling him this is one inflorescence that shouldn't be vased - there are always ‘ants’ inside them. Would he listen – Nooooo! 
So anyways, here’s a bunch on the table. True to modern times, this was a quick photo-op set-up. I was working quickly to avoid any critters showing up – didn’t even wait to properly arrange or for the flowers to straighten out. 
Even as I was clicking, the Hubster noticed a couple of the bugs crawling out on to the leaves. Rushed them outside! I can triumphantly say – told ya - but am saddened to see such a beautiful bunch thrown away :-(
This was taken only 4 days later. The climber had climbed up out of range !
Now another 4-5 days later, some of the flowers have started to wilt. But they've spread their joy and fragrance :-) Waiting for the next flourish, while still enjoying their fading beauty ...

Have a great weekend J


  1. My brain had already thought of using the dot picots for an ice drop, just got to practice the dot picots a bit more

  2. Lovely pattern! Thanks Muskaan and Usha for your works, they are a great inspiration -:)

  3. Nicely done Muskaan! You managed to get perfect innermost dot picots in six petals. Cluster too are perfect! Ice drop or buttons will look pretty with this pattern. Thanks for your immense help in pdf pattern writing and presentation part and also suggesting perfect term 'Cluster' for the overlaid design. I can see your beautiful doily under the vase. Nature always helps in bringing out more creativity in us.

  4. 6 rings also looks good. I think there's a compulsion to bring flowers inside, or take a photo of a view when we should just enjoy them as they are. I enjoyed reading about your rangoon creeper.

  5. Thanks everyone :-)))

    Usha, I'm becoming a pro at dot picots, then ;-P I'm glad you can't see how dirty the doily has become - too scared to wash it because the maroon colour on last round runs :-(

    Jane, you are so right! I enjoy flower arranging (& I take good care trying to make them last long in the vase), but this time it was the hubster who was more excited to have them arranged and clicked ;-P
    As kids someone taught us how to make a braid with these flowers - start braiding with 3, then keep adding one ... I never quite got it right and tight, but the braid does look beautiful.
