Thursday 29 August 2024

lollygagging or not

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Whatever it is, I'm sure happy to pause and share this slightly mixed bag of fun and possibilities! Let's start with the Tatted Fringe and adaptations and practice pattern I shared in my last two posts.

Yesterday Elisabeth Dobler wrote to me and sent me some photos which I share here with her kind permission. And this is what she says - 

Today our tatting group met again and I showed them the new technique of Corina Meyfeldt and you. It was so funny - we had so much fun! Some members of my group were so creative and tried new ways to apply this new technique. Initially I wanted to teach them the various possibilities of the captured picot but we didn't have enough time - we tatted 3 hours only the new technique! 
Thank you very much for sharing this new skills!

From the top and the side!
Oh the possibilities of colour, size, and form!

She and her group are so creative! Soon I will share her beautiful application of the captured picots.


Almost simultaneously I received this message from Stephanie Wilson -
I like your fringed star. The colors are pretty and I don’t mind ‘messy’ fringe. It looks nice to me.
Got me thinking – do you think we could do something similar using the daisy picot technique? Long picots *between* the daisy picot stitches, then cut them after we’re finished? I don’t have time to try it now, but it sounds like it would work….in my head, at least.

And the answer is yes! sorry I didn't get time to try it out, but this is the only caveat to keep in mind - if we attach the fringe to the core thread, it will take up space like any stitch. Hence if a pattern is not written with a fringe in mind, one must take care to adjust the total stitches accordingly. Of course, this can be countered by adding the fringe to the picot thread, and if one wants the fringe facing down/inwards, then tat a downward or inward facing picot on which you attach the fringe!

I didn't mention it in my last post, but I had used the spot fringe as thorns in the tiny Thorny Wreath from 2015. (

And this Christmas Troll (Ruth Perry's pattern) where I frayed the picots for an afro, could well have had additional fringe to give it a denser style (

And of course, the recent Fringe Star practice pattern and ideas was shared in the last post.

Unrelated, but I wanted to update, hence adding it here. While looking for something in my choco-tatting boxes one leaf fell out which I noticed after the box was kept back.It was the same leaf I'd wanted to tat for the pumpkin, but didn't have time. Serendipitous! Of course I simply tied and whip stitches the tails to hide them and voila it looks kind of complete now. This is the E25 Extract Me Pumpkin by Julie Myers with my little tds variation and the addition of E25 palm leaf. (details - ;

Related Posts - 

Many thanks to all for sharing your joy, thoughts, and ideas ladies! It's always satisfying to see interest being generated and tatters at play.


  1. The group certainly had fun with your ideas! Aha, your pumpkin is now perfect.

    1. They do appear to have fun with whatever they take up, Jane! Elisabeth is quite an enabler, too, and they hold classes, workshops, and displays to spread their passion. 💕

  2. Wow!! Something new in the tatting world every day!! :) Thanks for more lessons!! :)

    1. You wouldn't believe how much there is to learn, explore, and experiment, Sue! Never a dull moment 💕

  3. Fringe! I love the fringe! Hugs, Anita

    1. Thanks, Anita, also for permitting me to use your Fringe Tatting sample in the Glossary 🥰

  4. Fringe tatting I think thats the new idea thats going to catch onto everything

    1. It's fun to revisit, Margaret, and there's one more post in the works, thanks to a reminder from Stephanie! 😁💗
