Monday 26 June 2023

autumn fireworks

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 I should've posted this last night since I managed to complete the entire tree motif I had set out to do for the ILD. Hadn't expected to, so this was a huge deal. Of course it meant taking a digital break the entire evening.

The one behind is the new motif tatted correctly with 10 rings. Fresh off the shuttle, you can see that it does not lie flat. I had to stretch and tamp it down into submission since there was no time to block and dry.
Worked in Lizbeth (shuttle) and Anchor (ball) size 40 threads.
Pattern is #14 from Endrucks (1920) reworked and presented in modern format by Ninetta. Link to main EP doc is in the right panel of my blog. 

Angie pointed out that this could well be a fireworks display. I love the idea as it offers so much scope for frivolous colourfulness! 

This morning I have rolling pin blocked all motifs. They are drying at present and I will take pics tonight playing with arrangement. Then starts the next part which is still a bit amorphous.

Hope you had a wonderful day and weekend. Who knows after this hat-trick of posts, I might continue with a 4th one tomorrow ;-P


  1. Replies
    1. I like them as well, Sue 😄 And this Lizbeth colourway is always a winner! 🧡

  2. Oooh, they do look like fireworks! And you could use some wildly variegated thread for it too.

    1. Absolutely, Lavi, that's what got me excited as well 😄🧡
