Friday 8 January 2021

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original cover of book

Tatted snowflake season is over and we hope you had a wonderful time. Ninetta and I wish all our Endrucks’ 1920 Project volunteers a very creative and happy year ahead with tons of crafting in your lap.

The Past

We opened the project up in late October to an enthusiastic response. But before we give an update, here’s the genesis of how Frau Endrucks was rediscovered a few years back. This anecdote is graciously shared by Martha Ess ….

“Way back in 2011, Georgia Seitz and the Online Tatting Class began the Emmy Liebert Project, translating some of her patterns into modern English notation.  Georgia asked me to take on an especially daunting looking photo.  Stumbling my way along with an online translation site, I discovered this was not a pattern by Liebert at all, but an advertisement for a book by someone else, Eleonore Endrucks-Leichtenstern.  I was lucky enough to buy a copy on (Germany).  I scanned it and donated it to both Georgia's Archive of Tatting Books and the Antique Pattern Library.  When Georgia found it in her Dropbox (it was a surprise), she phoned me up and was then speechless. This is a happy memory.  (That photo was Pattern #21, by the way.)”

We are indeed indebted to these fine ladies, these masters of tatting and teaching! Hoping to share a few more anecdotes and backstory in the future …

The Present -

Now here’s an update on our current project (

As you can see, only 2 patterns are left to be claimed, and 24 patterns are already updated and uploaded. Of the remaining, several have been tatted (and their pictures uploaded), but work on the diagrams/instructions is in progress. As each project gets completed (model + pattern) it is added to the Index on the left. Click on the respective number in Index for quick access to the respective pattern.

UPDATE - All patterns are claimed! But you can still join in .....keep reading

There are already some variations, derivations, and extensions to the original pattern that mostly accompany the latter. At the very end is a Gallery to showcase adaptations that are difficult to pigeonhole.

English translation of the first 2 pages of the book have been undertaken by volunteers as well, and the initial draft is quite an eye-opener – Frau Eleonore Endrucks talking with tatters across a span of a century!

The Future

So now we are hoping the remaining projects come in as well. If you could not join in earlier, we welcome you to join now as test-tatter. Choose a pattern you like and use/apply/adapt your version in wonderful ways! Send in pics that we will happily include in the Project doc.

Once all pdfs are in, we propose to convert the Google Docs into a dated pdf for easy storage. However, the G-doc will remain open in order to update with future entries. We also welcome any feedback and suggestions regarding the presentations, etc. Tatters from all over the world have sent in their work in their individual styles – an international flavour we hope you will enjoy and participate in whenever you can. 

With love,

Muskaan & Ninetta 

ps. If you wish to participate at any stage, you can leave a comment here, or in Ninetta's blog ( or contact us on Facebook ( and

We also have a hashtag on Facebook now, so be sure to use it if you post your models - #Endrucks1920Project.


  1. Thank you Muskaan and happy new year of tatting!

    1. What a wonderful way to start this year, Ninetta, with the cooperation of tatters around the globe 💕

  2. Fantastic job you’re all doing!

  3. Fantastic work! Thanks so much! Happy New Year!

    1. Welcome to my blog, Elena 🌹 Hope you enjoy a few of these patterns or incorporate them In your own lovely designs 💖

  4. Köszönöm szépen! Boldog új évet!

    1. Welcome and wishes for a very creative new year to you, too, Andróczi. 💖🙏
