Sunday 27 December 2020

all links restored

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 O Happy Happy ! ! !

You have all been so very patient all these months. Now, after Six whole months there is no need to edit to when a link does not work. 

My usual tech-related problem solvers are Ninetta and Robin, and Ninetta informed me of broken links a couple of days after I had discovered them in late May. Then almost immediately I received a surprise email from ManTatter (from Craftree) offering to help me with the changes! He explained the process very clearly as well. 

With all the blogger interface transition at the time, I did not want to 'rock the boat' any further, although I had already asked about this glitch on their Help forum. Now, sitting cozily under warm quilts, with hot soup and my laptop, I have been restoring the links for the last 3 days so that we can step into the new year with one less glitch 🧐

Restoring the 4 pages/tabs was a snap in time! However, for the posts, I have had to individually open each one of my six hundred and forty published posts and do the replacements in html format. Easy task, but mindless and one still has to cover the distance. By the time you read this post, I will have done the remaining as well (2019 and 2020). 

I am extremely thankful to ManTatter for all his help and concern. Without you, I could never have been able to clean this up 🙏

Let me also take the opportunity to thank, once again, all the other generous tatters who have wanted (urged) to send me some tokens of their friendship or gratitude. It is my loss but you have warmed my heart. 💖


  1. Goodness. Well done. That sounds quite a job. And not a joyful sort of job, more like housework.

    1. You hit the nail on the head, Jane! I'm hoping it will remain squeaky clean henceforth 😄

  2. Wonderful job! Thank you very much for all you put online for us! 640 thanks and more to come!

  3. Oh wow! Such an accomplishment! Having a neat and tidy website must feel like a luxury.

    1. At least this particular aspect feels good, Mel, but as I went along I noticed that the interface transition had caused some unwanted spaces to occur. Had to stop myself going down that rabbit's hole 🤪😆

  4. Thank you for all you do for tatters around the world, beginning tatters to advanced, you’re a wealth of information! Tedious task for you. Thank you! You chose a cozy spot.

    1. Part of the journey, I guess ;-D Hey, love your pic, Anita!!!

  5. I found one place where your link is still broken with ".in". If you click on your picture and try to go to your webpage from there it directs to the ".in".

    1. Sandhya, thank you so very much!!! I have corrected it now. 😍💖🙏
