Wednesday, 1 January 2025

the years flow

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I've taken a few decisions for 2025 - objectives I hope to achieve. Focus on completing the book edit and hope for it to be published before this year is out, and also blog more. There's so much I learned in the past year but didn't get around to sharing.

This also means cutting down or pausing a few other tasks and projects. 

Hope you have sorted out your priorities for this year? May the underlying thread remain the enjoyment of self and also spreading the joy of the journey and destination.


The above collection of samples kind of symbolize my past year and perhaps even the future. These are all rings with the vapour stitch where I experimented with variables wraps, etc. Some look fine, others do not. While the bouquet looks fine, the unfinished/unpolished and incomplete nature also comes through. 2024 was a year spent in learning, exploring, experimenting, completing some projects while some remained unfinished. I chased a lot of projects, wanted to take up more than I did, and enjoyed almost all despite the paucity of time. I was happy to push through my comfort zone, too. And you have joined me in all my journeys. Hope to read your comments again this year!


UPDATE: I had sent this to Natalie to cross off the Vapour Stitch box in her PICOT Bingo game. However I could not complete the game.


  1. Wishing you always wonderful tatting journeys, dear friend 🥰

  2. Happy New Year. I look forward to reading about your progress and projects in 2025.

  3. My goal for my bins of fabric is "make it or move it out". We shall see if I am successful or not.

    1. I should do the same, Sam, especially since I no longer sew ... move out all the fabrics and art supplies, too. Somehow somewhere there is still a little flicker of hope that I will use some of the stash, LOL. Wishing you achieve your goals 💗


  4. My goal is the same this year as it has been for the last several years - use up as much of my thread stash as possible. Give away as many tatted items as I can, unless I *definitely* will sew it onto something and use it or wear it myself. This year - for the first time - I am starting the year with bins of thread that actually CLOSE when I put my threads back into each bin. They're still *full,* but at least the lids will go on securely now. :) I hope you have a wonderful 2025, Muskaan! You continue to inspire us all with your tatting adventures.

    1. Are you sure you haven't been putting some of the balls in other places and forgetting about them, Steph? 😁 I am not yet ready to get rid of my tatting supplies though I will definitely strive to use up more before buying. Always a pleasure to read your thoughts ... have a great year ahead 💗

  5. They are pretty and inspiring!! :)
    I hope this year is great for you and that you get plenty of rest and lots of time to tat beautiful things!!! :)

    1. Thanks, Sue 💗 It would certainly be nice to get some more actual tatting done rather than compy-work ;-D

  6. You have had a brilliant year of inspiring us and giving such creatvity, I am looking forward to finishing the TTAL, and then starting to catch up on many things I never had time to do, plus a design thats in my head but will need sometime to work out, I wishing you a healthy and creative year ahead

    1. You are so sweet, Margaret 😍 There's soooo much I still want to share and do. I am really looking forward to your designs and tweaks and hope you get plenty of relaxed time to work on your hobbies.
