Thursday 24 August 2023

over the moon

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 Two recent incidents, and I had no role to play in either.

A few days back I received the Summer 2023 issue of IOLI Bulletin! Although I had submitted an article it hadn't been published in this issue. Yet Liz, the editor, mailed me a complimentary copy! And I received it within 5-6 weeks. Ecstatic. 

Earlier I had received the Spring 2023 issue that carried my article. There was a lot of tatting-related articles and stuff in that issue, including Mike Lyons' article on Inkscape in designing. And because of this latest gift, I was able to read Part 2 of his article! Learned a few terms and a couple of shortcuts. Hope to apply them to my diagrams going forward.

But the more momentous and totally On and over the moon event is of course the soft landing of Chandrayaan 3 yesterday! Oh what joy, what pride! It is just something else, something special, something indescribable. 

Watch the live streaming (the Fine Braking starts at 39.00) here -

A shorter video posted on FB -

To me there are parallels with my tatting journey. Just a few overlapping thoughts -

  • Use whatever materials and skills are available; don't wait for that perfect or expensive or imported thread or shuttle or that perfect stitch.
  • Learn from your mistakes and never repeat them.
  • Be Indian, contribute to your country's growth and improvement. 
  • Strive to improve your environment rather than whining or waiting for the government or others to change it for you. Create/Become the opportunity.
  • ISRO scientists are not necessarily from the elite educational institutes; in fact most are from government schools. They did not leave the country to serve another for personal gains and name despite opportunities and allurements.
  • Try to go where others haven't. Accomplish new things rather than simply following or copying.
  • Help others, spread and share your knowledge and skills.
I can't thank my scientists and engineers enough, and for the decisive and visionary leadership of some of our politicians! 

Happy dancing over the moon!


  1. Congratulations to India! Enjoy your ioli bulletins, sounds like a lot of interesting things to read.

    1. Thanks, Jane 💗 The bulletins mainly focus on bobbin lace, but tatting is becoming increasingly visible, too.

  2. Oh yes! I was so happy the landing went well. I've had my head down working so hard on personal issues. Reading about it was like drawing the drapes open. I like your overlapping thoughts. Here's to accomplishing much!!

    1. You have such a way with words, Mel💗 thanks.

  3. Congratulations! Love your overlapping thoughts, they really represent you!

  4. Congratulations for the article being published and for the moon landing! Such amazing accomplishments, you are right to be proud! Your conclusions regarding your own journey too are inspiring <3

    1. Thanks so much, Lavi 💗 It is my endeavour to send in a tatting article for every issue to keep tatting lace in the picture. It was why Anita Barry pushed me to do it 😁 Saw the first videos/pics that Pragyaan (the rover) sent in today! Amazing accomplishment!
