Original Pattern : Notes
(for intermediate to advanced)
It’s a logo
It’s a bracelet
It’s a pendant
For now, it’s just a doodle to celebrate my love of tatting !!!
Tatting + Chocolate = Bliss !!! |
Firstly, I’m a day late with this post. Wish it weren’t so,
but ….
I first came to know about the existence & celebration of International Tatting Day exactly 35 weeks back through
Vinnie's post. So, I
considered April 1, 2014 to be my ‘first’ ITD & created a pattern for this
It is a simple doodle where the letter ‘a’ in ‘tatting’ is
converted into a heart to convey the overall message : “I Love Tatting” !
I have done 2 trials and still need many more to get it
right. However, baby steps …
When I first wrote the word & consulted
Usha (InTatters member)
about my idea, she came up with some brilliant suggestions. My initial idea was
to tat the word, then add the horizontal line that crosses the ‘t’s later. But
she suggested going from right to left, thus doing it in one pass !
I am sharing Notes & pictures of my drawing & trials & listing out the techniques used but the actual pattern has still not been properly
written out. I must say, hats off to all the designers who have the
perseverance to write out each little detail & tat the same motif/piece
over & over till they get it ‘right’ !
I find that jotting down stitch counts, etc. while tatting,
only Hampers my tatting pleasure :-(. But, this time, I shall persevere, too. Only,
I’m going to try it in size 20 thread rather than 40, or my poor eyes will bear the brunt.
I Love Tatting Doodle
Original Pattern Notes
It all started with a simple pencil sketch ....
But an ambitious tatting project !
Trial 1.
2-shuttle. Shuttle 1 : White ; Shuttle 2 : Brown, 0355.
Anchor Mercer Crochet Cotton, Size 40. Since it was the very first attempt, I
just used the thread already in one of the shuttles instead of a red/maroon for
Length : 2 inches/5cms ; Height :3/4 inch/2 cms.
I Love Tatting Doodle - Trial 1 |
1. Start from right to left chain with normal ds. (scroll down for full form of abbreviations)
2. SSSR for dot on ‘i’, since I needed to hide the color within
& make the entire circle white.
I was thrilled with this coz it was my First attempt at SSSR And I successfully hid the colored thread!!!
3. At each ‘junction’ there is 1 vsp added to the chain
4. Folded chain, although I did not get the curve right. It
turned out convex instead of concave !
5. BDS. This was used to keep the thickness similar to the
later letters.
6. Short folded chain with ds.
7. Heart, here, has been tatted separately as a folded ring.
4FHS, p, 4SHS to get the inward point. 2 vsps on either side to join to the
adjoining ‘t’s.
Note: My initial idea had been to make it all in one pass,
hence I used 2

colors from the beginning. The ‘problem’ was how to get the Same
color for the SR heart And get it folded And get the threads to enter &
exit at desired points. For this
I did
try out a Split Ring heart as well, but did not use it (adjoining image). I was not at a
skill level as to make a good SSSR heart with the threads entering &
exiting at opposite ends. I checked out many many heart patterns, but All
either started at the base or at the top center. Someday, I will try this out
again. Anyway, I followed Usha’s suggestion to make the heart separately
& join.
8. Chain of ds with vsp after every 3 ds, going up, joining
to vsp on the cross line.
9. Slope & Roll join to each vsp, coming down the
vertical ‘t’.
Steps 8 & 9 repeated for 3rd ‘t’, ‘i’ (half
the length of ‘t’), & shaft of ‘n’.
10. Folded chain using a combo of ds & BDS for the rest
of ‘n’.
11. Split ring for ‘g’. The 2nd half of this
first ring has a few vsp. When the ring is closed, the threads are brought
down, again using the S&R join.
12. Chain of BDS.
This is where I left off Trial 1.
I got some idea of what was required, how to go about it,
I decided to proceed to next trial, hoping to finish a final version in time for ITD !
Trial 2 :
2-shuttle, both in Anchor Mercer White, size 40 thread. Red
heart ‘a’ made separately.
Length : 2.5 inches/6cms ; Height : 3/4th inch/2cms.
I Love Tatting Doodle - Trial 2. |
I am only listing the differences :
A. Chain made with BDS this time, to keep it straighter
& also for a width similar to letters.
B. Josephine Ring/Knot for dotting the ‘i’ instead of a
split ring.
C. 2 vsps separated by 1 BDS . This would afford 2 anchoring
joins when the ‘t’ crossed, keeping the letter/line straight.
D. Short Folded Josephine Chain. This time I got the curve
right, but just a tad long.
E. At the base of Each letter, 1 vsp has been added to
anchor the underlining chain later.
Here, after 'E' is where I use Reverse Stitches to make the foot of the 't', etc.
F. After making the SR, this time I made a chain of BDS,
folding it near the lowermost curve.
G. Chain continued but in normal ds.
But here’s how I went about it : I made a loop for ring with
Shuttle 1. But instead of making ds, I simply rolled the 2nd shuttle
in & out, & of the loop, over the loop thread – like couching. After
about 15 or more such weaves, I closed the ring. That’s how I ended up with an
intertwined thread !
TIP : If one uses fewer weaves/rolls, ie shorter bullion,
then it will not twist when closed. Only when the bullion is made longer, &
the ring closed, it tends to twist around itself. And the advantage is that it
will Not Unravel !!!
Very Useful technique. I could easily use this in my
3D Pond Reed pattern !!!
I. Josephine Chain, joined to the respective vsp at base of
each letter, as it progresses from right to left.
J. Bullion Knot/Ring similar to H above.
While this is still a doodle, it has the potential to be used as a pendant or a bracelet. Simply extend the horizontal lines both above & below, in any which way, to create the length required. Beads can be added, as well as other little JKs, etc. This little doodle has vast potential !
UPDATE : I forgot to point out that the foot of each 't' & 'n' were made using Reverse Stitch. I will soon upload the entire stitch count for this doodle.
Abbreviations & Techniques Used :
ds : double stitch
Folded Chain
SSSR : Single Shuttle Split Ring
vsp : very small picot
BDS : Balanced Double Stitch (Ruth Perry)
Folded Ring
FHS : First half of double stitch
p : picot
SHS : Second half of double stitch
SR : Split Ring
S&R join : Slope & Roll Join
Josephine Ring/Knot
Folded Josephine Chain
Bullion Knot (or Roll Tatting? - I haven't checked this out yet)
Josephine Chain
Reverse Stitch
Superb tutorials are available for all the above techniques. I will eventually make my ongoing Resource Page, listing techniques with respective tutorial links & tips as I learn them.
Hope I have been able to convey some idea of how I went about it. Someday I will write down the stitch-count when I make one that I am totally happy about. I'm not still satisfied with either of them. As you can see from the sketch, I wanted it to be simple .... not wavy & lacy....
Please feel free to ask for any details or specifics. I'll be more than happy to share all.