Sunday 8 September 2024

pleasure and pondering

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 Something old something new with loads of fun and possibilities. I found it listed in Karen Cabrera's Lesson #151 - Double Chain. At the end of the video is a model which was clearly a Jane Eborall pattern. However when I went to Jane's Techniques page, there is no listing for it. Finally I traced down the pattern where she used it - Butterfly with Fancy Edging (2001 rewritten 2011).

And I went a couple steps further, playing with some effects. This is merely a small window into possibilities which can be explored in future. In the above pic you see the three samplers and details follow ...
Abbreviations used: SH = shuttle ; SS = switch shuttles ; DS = double stitch ; RORS = reverse order reverse stitch (as in RODS) ; DC = double chain

Original Double Chain using 3 threads. All double stitches, but you switch shuttles and core threads. 

Step1: SH1 is the active shuttle (lavender) and SH2 thread forms stitches (green). Make 1DS and SS.
Step2: SH2 is the active shuttle (green) and SH3 thread forms stitches (brown). Make 1DS and SS.
Repeat steps 1 & 2 to desired length.
If using 3 colours, the first one remains hidden.

What if we added another thread? 'Double Chain' or should we say 'Triple Chain' using 4 threads. At least 3 shuttles are required while the 4th one can be a ball.
The process is exactly the same, except for the additional thread requiring an extra step.

Despite how they've been photographed, these are not straight chains. When I tried to straighten the DC variation, the SH1 core thread (green in this case) became visible between the stitches. Does make for a nice effect, though. The more threads you add, the wider this colour blip.
TIP: Yes, they can become straight if we use a thicker thread in SH1. 

NOTE The SH1 core thread remains free throughout but the other core threads become 'locked in'. Hence care should be taken to snug each stitch properly.

Since multiple shuttles are used, we can throw off rings and make chains! Imagine the free-styling one can do! And of course we can add beads in so many wonderful arrangements and colours!
In the above sample, I allowed the chain to curve.
TIP: This double chain can be used to make mock rings.

When I showed Ninetta a sneak peek, she sent me a link to Edda Guastalla's site where she has used and diagrammed the double chain technique.

Its not just fun and games. There are several lessons and some startling observations that emerged from this project! Let me share these with you and would love to read your insights and feedback.

Comparing Double Chain with other Techniques

1. Is it Pearl Tatting? 
To the extent that there are extra/auxiliary/additional threads, it can be considered pearl tatting. However there are differences - 
    the chain is not straight ;
    stitches face the same way, not opposite ; and
    the stitches are in two separate tiers, not on a common core thread.

2. Is it a Cord or cord tatting?
No, because the chains have a tendency to curve just like regular chains. The reason is obvious because the broader stitch caps are all lined up on one side. See TIP above.

3. Is it similar to Daisy picot?
Yes, it can be considered a chain version of the daisy picot technique. This is something I tried on the last few stitches and it worked.
    the stitches are two-tiered ;
    the double chain can be worked with only one shuttle (SH2 in the tatted sample) and 2 balls, making DS with one thread and RORS with the other thread. The reverse order reverse stitch (RORS) has to be coaxed gently to face outward (like the DS) and then repeat. 
4. Is it Helix Tatting?
Now here's the clincher! It is actually a precursor to helix tatting! It is the 2D version with exactly the same technique/process.
If we add more threads and join it back to the first thread, voila, we have a hollow tube as in helix tatting! 

5. Is it ATT?
Alternate Thread Tatting is a term coined by Shuttle Brothers where two threads (and often two shuttles) are used to make rings and chains incorporating an array of effects involving picots, thrown rings, colour switches, etc. 
    stitches all face outwards and they use the daisy picot a lot ;
    but the ATT chain is made with only two threads, not three (or more) ; 
    While rings (ATR) are made with two threads, the double chain (with 3 threads) can only be joined back as a mock ring. 
I think we can clearly rule out ATT.    

6. Is it TATHing?
Tatting with Alternate Thread is a term coined by Judith Connors where two shuttles are used alternately on the core thread as in pearl tatting, Maltese rings, daisy picot. 
    In this double chain, the stitches or picots (if any) face the same way, but it can be tatted using the daisy picot method. 
    However, the chain does need three threads to be made.
So where do we stand on this point? I'm not sure. Does TATHing include effects where the stitches face the same way? 

This is it for now. Hope to hear your thoughts and input.

UPDATE (10th Sep 2024): In Priscilla Tatting Book No.3, a 'double chain' is illustrated (Diag. 7) for the Tatted Centerpiece made with Needle and Shuttle pattern. Here some stems are worked as normal chains with a shuttle and then a second tier of stitches are inserted between the stitches below using a needle. Thank you, Mary A!

Many thanks to all mentioned. Its always a productive day when we learn something!

Wednesday 4 September 2024

leafy game

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 As mentioned in my previous post, our September game in the Endrucks 1920 Project Facebook group has begun. Leaf Me Endrucks (#LeafMeEndrucks). Instead of rewording, I am going to copy/paste the instructions.

GAME OF THE MONTH – Leaf Me Endrucks Sep2024

🌿🌿🌿Use the hashtag #LeafMeEndrucks and #Endrucks1920Project when you post for this game.

We have several beautiful leaves in our Foliage Directory. However, for September we have decided to use only three E15 Leaf Doodle patterns because the possibilities to play with these are endless!

This is all you have to do:
🍃🍂Tat as many E15 leaves as you like!
(PDF links are at the end of this post)

🍁🍀🥬🌿And if you want to extend your fun ….. You can tat one or more leaves from any of the three patterns. Then you can go ahead and make any tweaks you want such as ----

🥬Change the shape – make it long, broad, bent, twisted, 3D. No two leaves are identical, so you have free reign!
🍁Change the colours depending on whether you visualise them as nascent spring, mature summer, verdant monsoon, marcescent, or fall leaves, or funky psychedelics.
🌿Apply any tatting effects, techniques, or textures, to emphasize certain characteristics.
🍀Embellish with decorative picots, beads, buttons, or cabochon, … 2D or 3D
🍂Use as desired – on a card, as appliqué, as tree ornament, as jewellery, as decorative piece, garland or wreath, etc.

🌿🍁🌿Tell us about your visualization, share your notes and stitch count, tell us about the threads you used, show us your process pictures,.....

🍁🍃🍀🍂🥬🌿Always use the hashtag #LeafMeEndrucks & #Endrucks1920Project

They tat up very quickly and don't require too much thread. And creating little tweaks can be guaranteed fun for both new and experienced designers! Hence we expect to see a lot of leaves breezing into our group! Ninetta and I are ready to rake in all your leaves, so time to get started!

🌿🍁🍃🍀🍂🥬🌿Download the three patterns (click on each link) ---
E15 Leaf Doodle #3 -

And not that our talented members need any ideas on how to use the leaves, but here are a few arrangements of E15 Leaf Doodle #1 -


So, if you wish to join us, we would Love to see your versions. Contact either Ninetta Caruso or me through our blogs, etc. (links on the top right of my blog page). If it is your first Endrucksian pattern, a little gift awaits you. 

💗💗💗A very special thanks and hugs to Ninetta for allowing me a break from hosting the games these last few months! There is a whole bunch of tasks, mostly behind the scenes, that require our attention during and after each game; not to mention other related tasks in the Project and our other commitments. She has been a constant source of support and shoulders the burden unflinchingly! Words cannot express my deep gratitude. 💗💗💗


I'd like to share some details about the cover pic in a future post, including my Inkscape hack. The fall colour leaves are tatted by Ninetta, the green ones are mine.

Monday 2 September 2024

E15 leafy bonanza

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 Now this was tatted back in May for the InflateMeEndrucks game and my inner child, as usual, wanted to arrange them to see what new shapes emerged! But the old woman in me promptly forgot to share the pics. LOL. Fortunately, I found them right on time for our new game this month - Leaf Me Endrucks! More about that in the next post. 

Although the game is confined to tatting leaves, it will be interesting to see how they will be used/applied. To that end Ninetta and I thought it okay to share some ideas.

Let me simply show you what I have within my limited imagination. Of course, some tweaks will be required - something added, something deleted, some colours changed, and so on - to bring them to life. I sincerely hope you can find more ideas and figures beyond the ones my eyes saw and write it in the comments.

But first, the pattern is E15 Leaf Doodle #1 (derived from Endrucks' 1920 pattern #15) with additional picots along the edge for sewing (immaterial to the shape). Also, if the chain H is shortened to 4ds instead of 6ds, the leaf turns out flat. And since I tat frontside/backside, the leaves are mirror images. PDF download link -
 1. Heart
2. Betel leaf ; Hazelnut ; Onion

3. Masquerade Mask 

4. Spy Goggles ; Cat Eyes ; Angel Wings ; Butterfly Wings

5. Earrings ; Pendant ; other Jewellery pieces

6. Jewellery ; Earrings ; Pendant ; Brooch

7. Tatting Shuttle ; Hair Clip or Hairband Embellishment

8. Spindle Motif. Can be joined along the tips for a long broad scalloped border 
or along a side for polygonal shapes.

9. Angel Wings ; Bracelet

10. a big fat Pheasant ; Hedgehog ; Turtle ; Weevil ; Kiwi ; Rhea
and if you feed in 'arrangements' in the search box, you will find many more such arrangement ideas for various types of motifs, including from Endrucks (but not all are showing up...perhaps I can do a roundup at some future date to refresh my own memory!)