I find myself mired, happily enough, in several tasks and commitments some with a definite deadline. It means that even though I've been taking pics to share, and collecting patterns to share, blogging might have to take a backseat for a few weeks. I certainly hope there will be a few hours to spare once in a while to publish a post.
Pausing with a few quick shots ....
I don't like to throw away pruned twigs. This morning, when I snipped off a few overgrown shoots from our ficus plant, I put them in a little pot of water. Let's see how long they last.And I stuck the Happy Hands Daffodil to brighten the greens 😄
Remember I told you how hubby has taken to displaying my lacework? These are a few on the dining table. There are a few more under the bowls. I took this pic over a week back, without proper lighting.