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Oh, I've had plenty of frustrating moments over the years - be it figuring out a technique, perfecting my work, designing and subsequent trials, even creating pattern pdfs. But this one takes the cake! For numerous days now, I've been working on presenting a pattern and it has left me on the verge of tears almost every night, sigh. Each time I felt I had it all figured out, I would discover yet another issue and so much of my day's work would go to nought. Ninetta has been a solid and helpful shoulder to cry on, though, preventing me from actually shedding tears which would've agitated hubby dear 😉.
Finally, I took up my shuttles (which I had avoided for so many weeks in order to stay focused) and have begun tatting it myself. Now I am happy with hands that are tatting instead of typing every evening and eyes that are gazing at cheerful colours.
Quick Tip: Notice the starting tail at the bottom? I leave it there till the end of project for many reasons, one of which is that is helps me identify the frontside from the backside at a glance.
The straw that killed the camel's back was when, after days and hours of intense drafting, I finally noticed this -
the original model |
the original diagram |
Notice the difference? Add to this the fact that this pattern can be worked entirely in one pass as a combination of 2 standalone laces 18/a and 18/b, with a few tweaks to climb around/over. And each of the 2 parts was beautifully tatted and presented by 2 talented tatters with hugely different styles of working and presenting. Using those to present the combo lace meant frequent references back and forth - confusing and demotivating to any tatter attempting it. Reconciling pics, patterns, diagrams, styles, and synchronising them all took up way more of my energy and power not counting a new issue cropping up daily.
Perhaps it is just my own shortcomings that led to all this turmoil or perhaps I have this sense of TWoT that makes me want to present a pattern that is the easiest possible I can think of.
Whatever the case, I am grateful for all my friendly tatters, their sincere efforts and enthusiasm. And a huge hug to Ninetta!
- So has tatting ever made you cry? Why?
- Which way do you think the lace should face - like the model or the diagram? Your response will help us decide.
- What shapes and designs can you see in this lace that may lead to future patterns?
Eager and curious about your answers ....