Saturday 15 June 2024

picot me roundup 3

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 I had shifted Ninetta's entries to this Part 3 in order to equalise all 3 posts. And then I got caught up in a lot of other stuff and this post got delayed. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise 'coz a few more butterflies fluttered in! 
Game - #PicotMeEndrucks April2024
Pattern - Antonia Lai's E32 adaptation 'Life is Bliss butterfly' 
Objective - Use ornamental picots to embellish the butterfly motif. 
Roundups and details - Part 1  ; Part 2

21. Ninetta Caruso - started a virtual butterfly effect when she used Celtic Knotted Picots! Many members used the CKP, albeit in different ways, as you would've seen in previous roundups.
Calling it her Frilly Butterfly, she says, "This is the frilly butterfly that I got, ....  I tried for my first time the "Celtic knotted picot", developed by Sabina Carden-Madden, I followed her tutorial shared years ago, that luckily can be reached again using the wayback machine: Thank you for the fun! It's wonderful that in tatting we never stop learning!"
To me, her CKPs themselves looked like tiny butterflies!
Her 2nd entry was even frillier than the first one and she called it the Fluffy Butterfly.
She says "This is my fluffy butterfly, ... these are "layered picots", they are called also floral picots or ruffled picots, it is like the Victorian set but with picots between sections of half stitches, it's a technique already found in Priscilla's patterns."
The top view is in the inset.

22. Reiko Akamatsu - started this circular edging with a series of butterflies.
It's still a WIP and the amazing part is that she does not seem to have altered the stitch count at all. A truly versatile motif!

23. Sabine Robert - joined us for the first time with 3 versions!
She says, " - I start tatting with this Life is Bliss Butterfly pattern (2nd project, after some trainings). Not so easy, I need to do more and more"
One can already see her progress and improvement! And adding beads is not always easy for a new tatter.

24. Sara Dougan - is a new member, too. 
She used a combination of long decorative picots, double picots, and butterfly picots!

25. Silvana Buonvino - sent in these delightfully coloured versions!
Besides the pearls and beads, she used double picots, triple picots, and Josephine Picots. She asked whether the JPs could be made on rings and tried out the suggestions for her 4th butterfly! 

Voila, her 4th entry has Josephine Picots on rings as well as on chains! 
Silvana embellished her own skills along with the butterfly! 

26. Stephanie Mc (Tattimic) - shared her ideation and design process and has promised us the pattern, too!
Her 3 idea sketches (which inspired Lauretta Tondelli to learn the CKP) for which she asked for feedback.
The 3 versions that finally emerged. The one on the right uses balanced double stitches to stabilise the long "wobbly" chains and a scroll of rings and chains for the bottom wings.
She says, "But then, I still didn't have any picots, which wouldn't do for a #picotmeendrucks, right? So I asked myself how I could add a shape inside the largest loop and still use the crocheted picots suggested in the list of ideas (I like it! It's so super cute!). That's when all hell broke loose, because it meant to rethink again the initial pattern (so no real onion rings, for exemple), and I ended up with the design you see on the left. 
That being said, thank you for the initial challenge, haha. It sparked my imagination!"
And what a spark it is! 

The metamorphosis process in thread!
She says, "And here are a couple of tests I made along the way. I often see people wondering how to create new design. That's one way to go : trial and error, haha."
This is proof that designing is not always easy, despite the numerous paths one can take to convert an idea into thread.

27. Vani Kattoju - heeded my request and shared her 3 versions though she was not fully satisfied with her working. Appreciate it, Vani!
She says, "My first attempt at using vapor picots, Mrs Mee picots and tuft picots. A little Not so perfect butterfly.
She used a mix of double picots, "...layered picots and twisted picots."
For her 3rd version,  "I tried daisy picots as the highlight along with few double picots."
This motif has been the vehicle for a lot of first learnings and practice makes perfect.

28. Wanda Salmans - created 5 versions and blogged about each of them.
She says, "My first try at the Picot Me Endrucks April 2024 Game of the Month. The one on the left is the pattern adaption by Antonia Lai. I started it several times - it helps not to be tired or distracted when starting something new. For the second one, I played around with picots. I used HH20-126 Purple Splendor."
Her 2nd version has overlapping double picots and twisted picots. 
Her post -
3rd version is decorated with chains on long picots, giving a scalloped edge to the wings. She has used several bits and pieces on her 'Safety Pin Brooch'.  
Read all about it here:
Both 4th and 5th versions use what Mark Myers' called the Picot Lock Join. It is basically a lock join made with the 2nd shuttle to a picot and the basic join in inverted tatting. 

29. Lou Bunker - made sure her butterflies fluttered around in June.
She says, "Fun little pattern works up fast, very addictive.
Some of her cuties have beads and double picots.

30. Manju Talekar - has this beaded beauty to share, sent in June.

She says, "I tatted it with Lizbeth variegated thread #20 color 123. The transparent glass bead in the center reflects light but cannot be seen in the picture. Wings can move up and down by the side of glass bead. Enjoyed making it."
A tatted butterfly that can actually fly - wonderful!

So this brings us to the end of the Picot Me Endrucks roundup. Ninetta and I are so grateful for this huge interest and the beauties that emerged from the game, besides the learning, exploration and experimentation. 

At final count we have an exciting 30 participants and 75 butterflies!!! Remember, if you have made any Endrucksian pattern you are free to send it to either Ninetta or to me at any time. Leave a comment in our respective blogs if you wish. (all relevant links on the right panel of this blog)

Many many thanks to all our participants for sharing your work and thoughts and brightening up the tatting skies with these lovely creations! 

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  1. Amazing butterflies! Thank you Muskaan 🥳 and many thanks to all participants👏👏👏👏 and to Antonia Lay for the cute pattern 🦋🦋🦋🦋

    1. It was a long route to these butterflies - from Frau Endrucks' 1920 pattern to a reworking, a tweaking, and then a butterfly! Very satisfying, Nin 🦋💙🦋

  2. I’m super impressed with all your entries!

  3. Amazing butterflies and wonderful designs on the original butterfly

    1. Absolutely, Margaret, thanks 🦋💙🦋

  4. Such beautiful butterflies! A pattern with many possibilities.

  5. Wszystkie motyle są urocze, ale moją uwagę przyciągnęły motylki z koralikami. :)
    Pozdrawiam ciepło.

    1. There's something for everyone, splocik 😍🦋🦋🦋

  6. I think butterflies inspire most tatters and these are so fantastic!! :)
    I love the motif in the top right corner of Stephanie Mc (Tattimic)'s 3rd picture(the "spoked" clover looking motif!!!, and if you look at the picture from a distance to me the bottom center 2 motifs-butterflies(one above and one below) look like part of a bird in flight(it's missing it's beak on the right, and part of the top wing which is up). ;) See, you are all inspiring!!! :)

    1. True, Sue, butterflies are and make happy! 🦋🦋🦋
      The top right motif could so easily become a pair of cherries, too!
      And I totally see the bird, wow! See, we all inspire and help each other. I hope somebody tats it, with due credit though. Thanks 😍
