Tuesday 25 June 2024

see the Cs

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June 28th is the 139th birth anniversary of Frau Eleonore Endrucks and what better game than to use her own patterns to spell her name?! Her patterns are so versatile that within minutes of opening her book and scrolling through it, I discovered 3 letters - 

  • E jumped right out from E2 without requiring any change; 
  • D could be extracted by rotating E5; and
  • C was visible in E17 when flipped over! 
Not wanting to spoil the detective work for our participants, I simply stopped scrolling. But Ninetta sent me another which was again in plain sight - 

  • N from E24 by flipping the pattern and two possibilities.
And thus began our game of the month for June 2024 - Name Me Endrucks, with Ninetta creating this fun cover pic! You can find all details about how to go about it here - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zpZaumcrLJQyexy68EAZr2AhyGBi0pRg/view

Details of all our past games can be found in this active EP Events dochttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZiNdE53cvqj2cLlxVP-wlga8aocPtzs5/view

I was supposed to take a backseat for a couple of months since my PIC (partner in crime, Ninetta) was relatively free to host games. But along came the International Lace Day on 23rd June and it was too good an opportunity to pass by. Why not accomplish two tasks in one stroke!

Here are two 'C's I tatted all within a span of a couple of hours while watching 'Twelve Final Days' of Federer's countdown to retirement. A wonderful morning. Tennis has never been the same since his retirement, though, and while I generally know what's going on, we rarely watch it.

Two shuttles were already wound the previous day with Olympus size 40 thread and the pattern sketched with stitch count as preparation too. This year ILD celebrated it's 10th year and at start of event, there were 1558 registrations from 59 countries! It was my third year participating and all 3 ended up with Endrucks' patterns! Lacers are still uploading pics of their individual or group participation with gorgeous laces.
I think next year we should enter the Endrucks 1920 Project FB group in the ILD, too. We can all participate as a unit from our individual locations. If only the idea had come earlier...

This is from E17 with minor tweaks in the ring stitches to make them smaller. I like this one and it tats up quickly. There is a short bridging chain between the two rings at the bottom in order to work the motif in one pass. I will share the pattern when I can. It can be worked with a single shuttle and ball and can easily be used to create an entire alphabet and numbers.

And this second C is derived from E10 (version 2) with very little change. It was inspired by the superb letter D tatted by Manju Talekar from E10. I consider this a prototype trial since some tweaking can improve it especially if used as a monogram. However if a complete alphabet can be created, it might fit in. This letter can also be worked with ball and shuttle.

Future Ideas - Looking at the E10 letter C image later, do you C what I C ....
1. an upright tortoise (rotate it 90 degree clockwise and complete/connect the lower part of the body)
2. a bent old person with a walking stick
3. a lady pushing a pram

C U soon!


  1. The sky’s the limit, no end to your imagination and that of the group. I look forward to seeing more letters.

    1. Thanks Jane, and you are absolutely right - there is so much in this book of merely 44 patterns to trigger one's imagination 😍

  2. That's wonderful, love your enthusiasm, and I'm super happy that I joined this adventure/addiction (lol!)

  3. Great letters!! :)
    You have such a creative and imaginative mind!! :)

    1. Thanks, Sue! I only have the eyes to detect what Frau Endrucks already has in her designs, LOL. 🧡
