Saturday 29 June 2024

evolutionary addiction

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 What can I say?! As mentioned in my previous post, 28th June was the birth anniversary of Eleonore Endrucks nee Leichtenstern and couple of days before that Ninetta came up with the idea to derive and tat '28' to accompany her celebratory post. She had found the number in pattern #21 from Endrucks' book! We discussed some tweaks especially since she wanted to tat the digits continuously, joined. 

E21 pattern

Life intervened and since we didn't know whether she'd be able to tat it in time, I volunteered to tat the two digits which would serve as a backup. Here's the design story as it unfolded. Tatting individual trial/prototype motifs takes less time and easier to correct than if the digits were attached.

Digit 2 version1 - This is almost an exact copy of the motif from E21.
IDEAS - Doesn't it look like a little duck with its head in the sky - is it Huey, Dewey, or Louie I wonder?!
Digit 8 version1 - A simple extension of the lower chain to link to the top circle, and we have an 8.
IDEAS - To me this looks like a little pig, a teddy, or even a cat.

Number 28 version1 - The '2' just wasn't making it, right! 
After some deliberations, I decided to tat it again. 
Digit 2 version2 - I had folded the base of version1 and it looked nice, hence incorporated the idea here. Keeping the rest of the motif same, only the base chain was reversed.
IDEAS - This looks like a flower, a snail hopping along, or a little girl with her head down and knees bent perhaps reading a book or something. It could also be the bust of a lady doing needlepoint! 
Number 28 version2 - both together and done in time. 
This is the image Ninetta used since she couldn't manage to tat her number.
IDEAS - The little piglet seems to be curious what the cartoonish girl is doing, LOL.
IDEAS - When the two digits are placed one over the other, our cat gets it's tail! Or perhaps it's a squirrel or chipmunk.

Digit 2 version3 - Call it addiction, call it a quick tat, call it design evolution.... not being happy with the previous motifs, I decided to give it a quick whirl again and give Ninetta a surprise (shhh, she doesn't know what I've been up to today, LOL)
As you can see, I removed the upper ring and separated the top arm. Finally happy with '2'.

Digit 8 version2 - And in keeping with the style, I removed the upper ring from this motif, too.

Number 28 version3 - Both together. The small ring could've been removed altogether, but I didn't want to deviate too much from the original pattern, if it could be helped. And of course, it is always easier to start with a ring.
So what's your verdict? Third time's the charm?

Pic showing the design evolution of digits 2 and 8 derived from E21 (initial idea - Ninetta Caruso)
I have jotted down the pattern for all 5 motifs. Can't say when it'll be shared, though.

Models tatted with Olympus size 40, shade 283. Except for ver3 2 which is 1-1/4cm high, the rest are 1.5cms high. Width ranges from 1cm to 1-1/4cm.

And we finally have cool temps! It rained (another freak record leading to water-logging and other woes) and while it is very humid, the change to 30s is welcome as is the cool water from the taps!


  1. Wonderful! I like the other two but love the third version! Thank you!!
    I'm so happy that the weather has changed in your area

    1. I agree with you, Ninetta! The final version is best 😉💛

  2. Amazing! Love seeing the evolution of your 28, and the final result is excellent.

    1. Couldn't resist tatting the number again once I got it into my head, Jane.😁🧡

  3. Fantastic!!! :)
    And again, your mind shows such fabulous imagination!!! :)
