Thursday 23 May 2024

reading is cool

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We're facing a heat wave for the last several days with no respite in sight; temperatures soaring to 44-45C. But these great reading materials have a cooling effect when I encounter so much inspiration, beauty, and possibilities! And not least that I had a bit of contribution to make as well.

Chronologically .....

Ninetta had already sent me her very first book in Italian along with exquisite gifts and this time I received her English edition of 'Tatting is a Serious Matter' again with fabulous gifts! The package arrived in mid-December but I only now got around to taking pics. Her book is such a treasure, a pleasure and a great addition to any tatting library. Read about it here -
  • At the top is a painting on real papyrus! The Syracuse papyrus produced by Flavia Massara from the Galleria Bellomo..
  • The exquisite bobbin lace bookmark was specially made by Luigia Tosin. Many thanks, Luigia.
  • The butterfly is one of two designed by Ninetta for the Progetto Farfalla MG - a fundraising enterprise for children's care. Anybody can send in a lace butterfly to the overall specifications. I had intended to design one in tatting, too, but sadly didn't get around to it.

Ninetta's tatted pieces always put me to shame. So fine, so dainty, so tiny!
She remembered that I hate to tat bare thread patterns and sent me the classic wheel.
A very special surprise was the ENDRUCKS' banner she tatted for me. We partners in crime both have one now!

Wandering Wheels (2011) by Karey Solomon is a booklet with lots of block tatting/coils, also gifted by Nin. It was such fun reading it and the way Karey has applied the technique to cute patterns. Turns out she had also done what we now call BBT - a block that is tatted in reverse direction, ie, from top row to bottom row. She used it for the tatted spiral/coil (calling it the tatted wheel), working it from the out in.

Can't thank Ninetta enough for her friendship, partnership, mutual respect, and support! Not to mention these delights in the mail. 

'Designing with Friends' is the article I submitted and was published in the IOLI Bulletin Spring 2024 issue. It is about the DAL Celtic Snowflake 'challenge' and includes the complete pattern for my version and pics of all the versions sent in by the lovely participants. I must thank Liz Redford and her team for a beautiful layout and their diligence. 

In fact, an octogenarian had tatted Five versions when the game was first posted a year back, but didn't know where to send it. On reading this article she saw Anita's name and contacted her and now I have all 5 of her models in the collection, along with her patterns.
This is the design-along (DAL) first two motifs and participants had to design the 3rd round.
And its first anniversary motivated a new participant to tat an ice drop version.

All participants have graciously shared their respective patterns in their own individualistic style. I had intended to draw diagrams for the ones missing them, but simply cannot find the time (nor the weather!) to do it quickly. Hence I might make the doc public and continue with the diagrams at my own pace.

Brenda Rewhorn, the Chairperson and current editor of the Ring of Tatters newsletter had requested me to write about the Endrucks 1920 Project. She said a shortened version of the one published in IOLI bulletin (Summer 2022) would suffice. However, so much has happened since then.... the Project has evolved and is continuing to grow and diversify. Hence I wrote a brand new article titled 'Endrucks 1920 Project - Evolution and Revolution' and it was published in their Spring 2024 (#88) issue. 

Couple of days back I received a complimentary copy of their newsletter and the content is absolutely great! So many lovely tatting patterns, and other articles, competition, etc., all dedicated solely to tatted lace. Love the newsletter (it's almost a magazine!). I still have quite a few pages to read and am hoping to tat as many of the patterns as possible.

Brenda was in Delhi earlier this year but we couldn't meet up, though we corresponded. She is a wonderfully friendly person and hopefully we will have a second chance to meet up in person.

So that's it for this post. Time to curl up with one of these books again and cool off with inspiring beauty and ideas. 


  1. Wow, what riches! Congratulations on having your articles published, they’re a big contribution to the tatting world. Phew, that’s seriously hot, keep cool.

    1. Thanks, Jane! The heat is causing lethargy and we are doing the bare basic chores. Today I forced myself to tackle some tatting-related tasks.

  2. Wow! Congratulations! You're very talented and I'm honoured that your name is on the cover of my book! Gosh! 45C is scaring!

    1. You are too kind, NIn! What is even more scary is that ice creams are in relative short supply, LOL.... if we order 4, we get 2 ;-P

  3. I enjoyed reading the article in the IOLI Bulletin. You have inspired so many tatters to be such a creative and supportive community. Than you!!!

    1. Thanks, Mel, means a lot! I did get quite a few messages regarding that article.

  4. Documenting the tatting world is important, you belong in the book. Pat on the back!
    I was so hot today and it was only 28 degrees Celsius. We have such different temperatures.

    1. Thanks, Marja! So, like everything else, heat is relative, too LOL.

  5. I hope your heat wave is cooling down, and you are ok, what a wonderful present at least you can sit and read even if its too hot to tat. take care and stay cool if possible

    1. Ah Margaret, no respite in sight! They predict a rise of a couple of degrees more for the entire week, with no rain in sight. Weather everywhere has become quite extreme.

  6. That is simply amazing! How much the Endrucks project has indeed evolved and continues to do so. Those are also very thoughtful gifts. I hope you get to enjoy them with cooler weather soon! :)

    1. Yes, truly thoughtful friends, Lavinia! Oh, there are still so many ideas that keep emerging in the Endrucks Project - the Frau was a true visionary and I am thrilled that there are so many wonderful tatters willing to carry it forward.
      No respite on the weather, not even in June it seems. Oh well, ....

    2. All the people participating in the project are visionaries too, finding so many new ideas from the old patterns! :)
      It's very warm compared to the norm everwhere... Take care!

    3. Can't agree with you more, Lavi 💕
