
Wednesday 31 July 2024

sing little birdie

 The Ring of Tatters (Spring 2024, #88) newsletter I received couple of months back ( has such lovely patterns and I hope to tat them all. I started with a little bird motif in order to submit it for the PICOT Bingo, striking off the Tat Fauna box (

Just like it's pattern, the motif has a simple name - Bird. Made only of scrolls - rings and chains, it takes on the shape of a bird and can be tatted with a ball and shuttle. It is designed by Hannah Crowle. Worked in Anchor pearl cotton size 8, it comes to almost the exact size as the printed model.

There was a time when I kind of looked down upon simple ring/chain designs. They felt too easy and I was striving to learn so much more! And yet, getting the motif to lay fat, yet be visually identifiable and elegant, is a huge achievement and I am still not at that stage. Which is why I truly appreciate all kinds of designs.

I haven't changed anything and it was a joy to tat! Although an bead eye would look good, right? I remembered too late that I had some nice soft variegated embroidery threads (skeins) which would've looked nice instead of this solid colour. All my other variegates in tatting threads just didn't seem to cut the mark. 

This bird can be suspended or be perched on a tree and thus be eligible for the Small Decorations game I am participating in, I have already started something else for that. Stay tuned .....

Many thanks to Hannah for her cute little birdie 

Sunday 28 July 2024



The versatile E43 3D flower had been finished and waiting on my bedside cabinet for at least a week now. Yet it was only the night before last that I finally took pics and also shot a short video. I will share the detailed pattern (the tweaks) in a future post. Here I want to celebrate its beauty, though it still looks so much better in real.

The video to get a true feel of the flower from all angles -

After completing the three petals as shown here ( I chose metallic thread and random beads to tat Josephine chain stamens. Many of the threads were short leftover lengths. Metallic thread combined with the spiral chain inherently make the tatted stamens stiff and stand up straight.

The stamens were inserted through the center of the flower, without any need to hide ends.

Calyx for the flower is also partially derived from the E43 motif. After the sepals, I continued with a 4-ring rosette to give the structure a conical 3D shape which could fit under the flower.
I used Catherine Wheel Join on the long sepals.

Here's how the calyx looks from behind. The entire flower does not need stiffening. However I did add a bit of diluted glue to the sepals solely because they were inserting themselves through the petals and it was difficult to take a pic.

All tails from the above insertions and an extra length of doubled up size 10 thread was used to make the stem. Here again I used a spiral chain, encapsulating all the tails and snipping them off at different points.
This is how the flower looks from another angle. 
Hubby loves it and one morning he actually thought a butterfly was perched on my cabinet!

If only I could get better shots. Thankfully the video shows it better.
Of the many I have designed, to date this is my largest tatted 3D flower, and worked in perle size 8!

Again from the top. Single petal (with Victorian sets) was shared here - 

And one more. The petals can be tatted in one pass.

As stated before, this is derived and adapted from the E43 pattern from Eleonore Endrucks' 1920 book,
Die Schiffchen-Spitzen, reworked by Maria Grazia and Ninetta Caruso  and next month I will share my modifications/additions.

This flower is also my submission for the PICOT BINGO hosted by Natalie Rogers. It's been a while since I entered anything here, and I take this opportunity to cover 4 boxes in one strike -
๐Ÿ’ฅTat a Flora, ๐Ÿ’ฅJosephine Chain, ๐Ÿ’ฅCatherine Wheel Join, ๐Ÿ’ฅVictorian Sets.
I left out Add Beads for another time.
This game can be played till the end of the year and details of the game are here -

And also submitting for the monthly SMALL DECORATIONS game hosted by splocik, the details of which can be found here - Do take a look at the June entries from several talented participants in a range of crafts here -


Thursday 25 July 2024


 This time I have not delayed, not by much essentially. A couple of months back I came across an Instagram post on tatting and their profile said they were a German group of 15-20 members with a common passion for occhi! I messaged them about our Endrucks 1920 Project and so began a lovely friendship with Elisabeth Dobler (she manages the account and is the founder of the group 'Occhi Freunde Oberschwaben'), a very talented tatter who enjoys pushing the boundaries and exploring new techniques.

Inspired by my E25 palm leaves, she belted out a range of effects from one basic model! We decided to call these Multifaceted Leaves. She graciously accepted to share the pattern and we worked together to create a presentation that is hopefully clear and easy to follow. She also made a presentation in German. Here are the links to both -
E24 Multifaceted Leaves by Elisabeth Dobler -
E24 Facettenreiche Blรคtter by Elisabeth Dobler -
Multifaceted Leaf #1 (basic) 
This is the basic pattern which can be embellished as desired. She has worked the leaves in a clever and interesting fashion, entailing encapsulation. 
While the detailed pattern for this basic leaf is given, for the others an explanation of the effect/process is provided. Instead of repeating the description here, I request you download the pdf and understand the intricacies.

Multifaceted Leaf #2 - 
She has used metallic thread to embellish the leaves.

Multifaceted Leaf #3

Multifaceted Leaf #4
Maltese Rings adorn this leaf.

Multifaceted Leaf #5
Here the leaf starts at the mekik oyasi ring with cut picots and progresses back and forth to ensure it is worked in one pass. The crosshatch filling is so impressive.

Multifaceted Leaf #6

All six leaves together. 
Would these make a bushy mustache or even eyebrows, LOL? 
Simply add a stemmed flower in the center for a nice composition.

This is but a small slice of the enticing array of possible effects one can play with, using the basic model!

Patterns 24 and 25 from Eleonore Endrucks' 1920 book, Die Schiffchen-Spitzen, are very similar; E25 has a bit extra on the E24 as base. E24 was reworked by Ninetta Caruso for the Endrucks 1920 Project and you can find her work here --- - notes.


Elisabeth Dobler has published two books with tatting patterns - Tatted Necklace with Roses, and Tatted Faces! Oh the faces book is really interesting and fun! 

Just like with Sally (in my previous post), it is always a pleasure to correspond with someone who is receptive, prompt, and willing to learn and share mutually! Seeing her interest in new techniques and effects, I told her about Ninetta's flickr account and blog and her new Captured Picot. Elisabeth got right down to it, diligently learning the captured picot, teaching it to her group and also applying them creatively! Wish I had taken her permission to share the pics here ... perhaps in future. But you can check out her Insta posts with all her wonderful displays here -

These Multifaceted Leaves and many other leaves (seen in Elisabeth's Insta feed) will be displayed in the Austrian Lace Association's Congress 2024 - Participation Leaves in Linz from 11th to 13th October. Wish I and our group could've participated - hopefully next year.

Many many thanks to Elisabeth and looking forward to more creations.

Related Posts - Palm Leaves from E25

Monday 22 July 2024

January in July

 Yes, it's July, but the delay in blogging is from my end. It completely slipped my mind to share this lovely January Snowflake creation by Sally Biggers with you here. Never too late ... or should I say a bit early, LOL.

We've had a few tatters who have combined or rearranged parts from two of Endrucks' patterns to create a hybrid design. This model is one such - a combo of E34 and E43. Sally set out with the specific dual aims of  combining two motifs/patterns and creating a six-sided snowflake. 

E34, from which the center is adapted, is actually an 8-repeat pattern. It was reworked and shared by Marina Mad Jar tatting -

For the radiating arms, she chose E43 which was reworked and shared by Maria Grazia and Ninetta Caruso -

The original patterns are from Eleonore Endrucks' 1920 book, ‘Die Schiffchen-Spitszen’ which has been trsnslated and reworked in the Endrucks 1920 Project.

It was while tatting this E43 (my 3D flower adaptation) for the pattern of the month game, that my memory neurons finally connected and nudged me into blogging.

Sally has clearly succeeded! Her use of different threads, including metallic, gives a beautiful finish. She explains her process in more detail in the pdf and graciously shares her pattern... 

E34+E43 January Snowflake by Sally Biggers -

While this is definitely on my to-tat list, Ninetta beat me to it! Following is her version which she tatted in April.

A vibrant play with two colours! It would serve well as a coaster, too. Or how about joining/tiling them for a larger piece.

Hope you enjoy this pattern and let us know about it. UPDATE: I just found Sally's blog and you can read about this snowflake here -

For more such patterns and other details - EP Links -

A very special thanks to Sally, and to all who made this journey possible

Related Posts -

Thursday 18 July 2024

inflate me roundup

 Our May event saw few participants but the models are so special, highlighting their creative visualization and execution! Without much ado, alphabetically .....

Inflate Me Endrucks May2024 (#InflateMeEndrucks) in Endrucks 1920 Project FB group.

All patterns are from the book ‘Die Schiffchen-Spitszen’,1920, by Frau Eleonore Endrucks-Leichtenstern, reworked in the Endrucks 1920 Project, 2020.

For all updates and important EP links . Check out the Directories for respective patterns (uninflated).

1. Anna Bonelli - is adept with both needle and shuttle. However, since there is a shuttle in the pic, it is safe to assume this beautiful decoration or pendant is done with shuttle. 

E10 - Zinnia Flower inflated 

2. Brookie Heightsmen - Always one to think divergently, she adapted two E41 motifs to create this cute beaded hot air balloon equipped with the tiny basket (probably from E44). "...up up and away in my beautiful balloon".
E41 - Motif inflated to Hot Air Balloon

3. Lella Loops - is an accomplished needle tatter. Here's what she says - "My small entry for #InflateMeEndrucks game, from pattern E28. It naturally tends to cup so I thought it was perfect. I insert a little organza pouch with dry lavender flowers. Liz metallic, needle 7."

E28 - Center motif inflated to Lavender Pouch

4. Manju Talekar - Manju joined us in late April and has already participated with such enthusiasm and talent in all our games since. She sent us 3 models and though they do not strictly conform to the rules of the game, we are most happy to showcase her beautiful works, all from E12.
E12 - Sky Blue Angel inflated
"From original Endrucks pattern #12, Angel in white, I modified the skirt with a lace pattern in round and more flare. In the Wings added some small picots in between the large ones. I found it difficult to take a picture showing three dimensional pattern."

E12 - Sky Blue Angel inflated to 3D Bell
"My submission, a bell, Based on Endruck’s pattern #12 & adaptations by Krystyna Mura, tatted in round with little modification in stitch count for rings."

E12 - Sky Blue Angel inflated to 3D Earrings
"Endrucks Pattern #12 & adaptation with diagram by Krystyna Mura. Just a Ear Dangling, still working on the second one. I think it needs some more refinement, got some ideas while making...
Deliberately made in flag colours, it shows how easily it can be adapted to other colours.

5. Margaret Davies - is a real trooper! Despite life getting solidly in the way, she adamantly whipped out this cute 3D butterfly from E32. Notice how the minimal joins give it an open and relaxed appearance.
E32 - Life is Bliss butterfly inflated
"At last I manage to make another butterfly, this is a 3D butterfly of Life is Bliss butterfly,
Originally I put a bead in the middle of the onion ring, somewhere the bead did not like the middle, it might have been too big, this time I tried again the photo is not easy to take, so I hope you can see it is 3D I put two butterflies together next time I am going to try some beads.

6. Muskaan - I've already said all I had to in my respective posts (links under each pic). This inflation became so addictive that my entries inflated to 3! And the third one (tree) has 3 motifs instead of 2.
E38 - Light Aircraft or 3D Lobster inflated

E15 - Leaf Doodle version 1 inflated

7. Ninetta Caruso - quickly tatted a model for our game before it was announced so that we had a range of possible ideas to inspire participants! A master of miniature, later she tatted the cutest little coin purse.
E30 - Square inflated to Biscornu Pin Cushion

Her work in progress. Gives us an idea of how tiny her pin cushion is! And its all handmade!

Keeping the E30 Square pattern intact, she merely added a ring at each corner to span the puffed pin cushion. This modification is inked in the above image.

E10 - Motif inflated to Coin Purse

E10 - Coin Purse with coin inside 
With the flap closed, can you see the owl I see?

E10 - Coin Purse open.

8. Ulrike Klauser - joined us from Switzerland a few months back and has demonstrated some beautifully tatted pieces nicely displayed. You can see her lovely tatting (including some Endrucksian) in her new multilingual site -
She chose the Slim angel from the E7 pair of Slim and Chubby Angels for this game. She inserted organza inside and placed it on a postcard for a beautiful backdrop! 

E7 - The Slim Angels

E7 - The Slim Angel inflated 
Doesn't it appear as if the angel is having a blast flying across the lit sky! It's also a good idea for a Flying Kite.

To sum up, we had 8 participants submitting 13 models. And the range is quite wonderful!

Our hearts are inflated with joy and satisfaction at seeing these amazing models! Hope these re-interpretations inspire in future, too.  Many thanks from Ninetta and me.๐Ÿ’—

Monday 15 July 2024

so many

 Quite by chance I noticed that this is my 912th post since starting in Dec 2013. So many posts, hmmm, and yet not enough coz there are so many more that haven't yet seen this space. Hopefully in time. Today's post also shows the many potential forms the simple E43 petal from my last post can take. Many of these shapes were suggested by keen observers (listed at the end)! So many eyes :-)))

It is difficult to photograph a 3D model and I truly wish I could've done a better job or taken a video. Nevertheless, ... 

Please Note that in the right colours, with the right number of petals, and if and where the petals are joined, a range of flower impressions can be achieved, besides other shapes. Hence I am calling this a E43 3D Generic Flower. I still need to tat in the stem, pistil, sepals, etc. For pattern details - . I will share the specific petal/flower pattern soon.

In the following, the join is made at the side of petal and at the base.

1. Three petals joined, curved inwards. In the right colours, it could be a spiderwort, a buttercup, a tulip (with unattached petals). And how about a butterfly (2 or 4 petal wings)?!
TIP: When joined, the petals (and flower) hold their shape though each one can be pushed in or out. If left unattached, stiffening or some wire would be needed to hold the petals in place.
2. Two petals facing each other. Could be a flower bud, pendant, fairy light bulbs, or even a strawberry!

3. Two petals could also become a clam shell, oyster with pearl, or a tulip bud. Perhaps even a little gift pouch.

4. Two petals. Now this reminds me of an open-mouthed crocodile. Or castanets? Perhaps even a pair of oven mitts.

5. Two petals, another angle. These pics were taken at night when I was too lazy to get some pearls to insert inside. 

6. This is the 3rd petal. Now the entire flower with any number of petals and joined only at the sides and base, can be tatted in one pass, provided the outermost row is worked in one go at the very end. I had to tat this separately since there wasn't any forethought, LOL.

7. Single petal (#3) without the outermost additional trim around the rings. With beads and gems it would make a lovely pendant or earring.
TIP: For a more rounded tip, remove the middle ring of the trefoil.

8. Three petals joined. Don't you see a butterfly?

9. Three petals joined, facing inward. Same flower, but upended. Could be any number of decorative embellishment or jewellery. Perhaps even a candle decoration at the base.

10. Three petals joined and curved outwards. With the right number and colour of petals, and additional pistils, etc., this really would make a nice hibiscus or petunia.
11. And I have to share the lead pic again coz Anita saw this ... 
"This looks like a frightened lady. Can you see her? Her lavender eyes are wide open & picots look like eye lashes, and her orange mouth is open wide, with her orange hair standing straight up.
Or, an Alien. Hmmmm. What’s in my coffee today? Hahaha.
The lady in the petals.
Spell-bound flower, maybe?"

And what do You see? 
Giving credit to my friendly eyes ... what each one saw ...
  • Pendant - Maria Burgo & Vani Kattoju
  • Shell - Jane McLellan
  • Tulip - Ninetta Caruso, Anita Barry
  • Petunia, Hibiscus - Anita Barry
  • Open umbrella for a clown - Anita Barry
  • Spiderwort - Ninetta Caruso
Further, Ninetta has this to say -
"The E43 is like a festoon imho, you had a great idea to extract petals! This pattern has that last double chain over the rings, it "close" the drawing, something that is not present in the E14 even it is similar. So E43 makes a better petal than E14 (or E10)."

 Thanks for all the friendly suggestions and nudges, ladies! There can never be too many!