
Monday 3 June 2024

beaded daisies and diamonds

 I've been trying to work as many different techniques and effects as possible. In that quest, came these beads between split rings. Here are my trials and thoughts ....

Beaded Daisies are an arrangement of seed beads (from 6 to 10 or 12) around a center bead between consecutive split rings. There are two ways I've come across and I tried both.

BEADED  DAISIES between Split Rings by Sabina Carden-Madden (2007) :

What a disaster! And the reason was a shortcut. I found a single image saved in my Pinterest board and assumed that was it, since her Paradise Treasures site is down. However tensioning became a major issue. I tried a few tweaks in the 3rd and 4th trials and with my 'practice' on the first two, they came out a bit better, but not consistent. 
So, after a deeper search, I found her full tutorial and look at the three attempts above. I am very happy with how they turned out consistently. The trick was two joins to stabilise and center the arrangement. 
Follow the instructions and the work progresses smoothly.
[For those unfamiliar with the term Transitional Join - it is what we also know as the split ring join or what we use in direct tatting a chain with reverse stitches -]
NOTE : Both shuttles hold the same number of pre-strung seed beads and the center bead is free, loaded using a hook.
I had to use 8 seed beads around the larger center pearl bead. You need to gauge the number of beads according to your choice of beads.

TIP : The only hitch is finding sufficient space in the cap of the last stitch in the split ring, to make a join. Especially since I was tatting with perle cotton. This can be solved by making a teeny tiny picot before the final half-stitch of the first side of SR.

BEADED  DIAMONDS in a split ring cord :
This is a diamond-shaped arrangement of four seed beads between two split rings in a cord.
I don't know who first shared this effect or where it was seen first. Please share if you have any info. It's been quite the rage for bracelets and is very simple to tat with a vast range of colour effects. 
I followed Ninetta Caruso's tutorial
Again, both shuttles are loaded with beads in 3:1 ratio. Two beads get trapped inside the split ring at the start and the base, while one bead on each side is moved after closing the ring.

[UPDATE 5th June 2024 - for a video, watch Imparae con Alicja ]

The reason I included this in the discussion is that Ninetta's beaded daisies is an extension of the beaded diamond.

BEADED  DAISIES variation by Ninetta Caruso (2020) :
A combination of the beaded diamond and Sabina's beaded daisies, but with a twist.
Notice how there are two beads trapped at the two ends of each split ring, just like in the diamond formation? In addition the beaded daisy has 3 beads on either side of a central pearl bead. Thus even though there are the same number of beads in all as the first version, their position is slightly different. 
This entails a different way of tatting the daisy. 
Follow Ninetta Caruso's tutorial here - 

Two attempts, and not bad, though they could've been better. I found this method more mindful and needed to follow the instructions carefully each time. However, it is one of those methods where once you get into a rhythm, the cord will flow along.

TIP : In Ninetta's beaded daisy pics numbered 3 and 4 - we need to load and transfer the central bead while the previous split ring is still open. This needs a bit of practice and it is simpler if you hold the section of thread between the previous SR and the 3 seed beads and pull this to close the SR. Once closed, the central bead can be adjusted into position.

NOTE : In this variation, shuttle 1 has to be loaded with more beads than shuttle 2. If one is using 8 seed beads, 5 beads go on Sh1 and 3 on Sh2. The central bead is a free bead, hooked through later. This is different from Sabina's method.

All together. You can see the four untidy daisies towards the top of the middle cord. This is a lesson in not relying on partial information. Always seek out the complete instructions for best results.
The two methods together - Sabina's and Ninetta's. My personal preference for tatting purposes is for the former - they come out consistently neat. But there is something to be said for the latter where there is less of a gap between the two sides of the daisy. 

Many many thanks to Sabina and Ninetta for sharing their talents !


  1. Thanks for showing us the experiments and for the links. I’ve bookmarked them. Always interesting that there’s more than one way of achieving an effect! Both are pretty. Yes, good idea to follow instructions carefully!

    1. I'm so glad you found this potentially helpful, Jane! It is always fun to try out and contextualize 'new' techniques, thanks to the community of innovators 💕

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks to Sabina and Ninetta, Sue ❤️

  3. Wonderful way to work in beads!

    1. Still learning the numerous beading effects, Mel! ❤️

  4. They are both pretty! You've really gotten the hang of it after a bit of trial and error. :)

    1. Getting a hold of, and following the complete tutorial did the trick, Lavi, 😂💕

  5. Śliczne. :)
    Kiedyś robiłam bransoletki w podobnym stylu.
    Pozdrawiam ciepło.

    1. I do remember the long phase when Polish bloggers were sharing their beautiful bracelets, splocik 😍

    2. Tak, te bransoletki cieszyły się u nas wielkim powodzeniem. :)
      Pozdrawiam ciepło

  6. Great information and comparisons! Great lessons by learning from you! I will share links with a young girl who learned to tat. Anita

    1. Wonderful passing it forward, Anita, thank you 😍 Best wishes to the new learner!
