
Sunday 21 January 2024

what a killing

I actually could've said 'killing two birds with one stone' but its not an idiom I like when birds are so cute. In this case I have made a killing in more than two ways. Read on ...

There are always tons of inspiring allurements and distractions in Tat Land. But I do my best to avoid or choose only those I can weave into my own jam-packed life. This year, I came across two such almost non-structured games which I should be able to manage through the year. 

And this is my submission to both games simultaneously - the E37 Flower Flake and Star derived and adapted from Frau Endrucks' pattern #37 from her 1920 book, ‘Die Schiffchen-Spitszen’ and the modern reworking of E37 Square Diamond Motif. I had shared the prototype flower flake pattern, but it did not lay flat (

I killed my wide picots, sadly, with untidy stitches beneath the arch. I have now learned the correct method and will share in a future post. The twist in some picots is merely because I drove the pin in too deep when blocking, LOL, and didn't bother to correct it. The patterns will be shared, too. after I make an ice drop version with nicer wide picots.

Splocik announced a new game for 2024 'Small Decorations' wherein we can tat any kind of decoration per month. Easy enough. This snowflake and star are my decorations for January.
Details can be found here (scroll to end of post) - 

Simultaneously, I started with Natalie Roger's (Tat Your Own Adventure) PICOT Bingo. You can download the game here - Uh-oh, I seem to have missed a crucial point! I thought this one bingo card would last for the year. Looks like it is only for the month. If so, I won't get any bingo this time. Must confirm with Natalie.
UPDATE (22 Jan 2024) - Phew, Natalie tells me the card remains same for the entire year. However if we complete it, we can request for a new card.

The above is for 'Tat A Snowflake'. For 'Tat Flora' I am submitting the E15 Ear of Maize Doodle I posted here - 

I am also entering this for the 'Graduated Picots' box. See what a killing I'm making here?!!!
Hey, I can add earring findings and enter them in the 'Tat Earrings' box as well, hehehe. Oh my, I'm devious! That's 3 in a column; the 4th can be done quickly enough, but the doily has me stymied I believe. Time will kill me this time!

Many thanks for hosting these exciting games, Natalie and splocik! See you again next month 💕


  1. Śliczne śnieżynki wykonałaś. :)
    Twój link i fotka znajdą się w podsumowaniu stycznia.
    Proszę wymień baner zabawy - poprawiłam błąd w adresie strony.
    Pozdrawiam ciepło.

    1. Thank you, splocik. I have changed the banner image. Now to consider what to tat for February, LOL.

    2. Muskaan - dziękuję za wymianę banera i przepraszam za zamieszanie.
      Pozdrawiam ciepło

  2. Handy to be able to use motifs for more than one game!

    1. Yes, except I don't really want to do it, Jane - seems like cheating to me, LOL. Thankfully the card stays for the year so I might make different motifs for each.

  3. You're certainly having lots of fun with those games! For the doily, I'd be so bold as to say a small doily would do too. Just 3-4 rows. 2 rows would be a coaster and I don't know if we can stretch the definition quite that much.

    1. You are right, Lavi. 💕 In fact I do have an unfinished medium-sized doily/coaster I could've taken up. Luckily, Natalie confirmed that we can work the card for the entire year.
      Interestingly, there are serpentine patterns with a single 'row' that tat up large - where you move in and out rather than around. Who's to say! 😁

  4. Happy to have you playing PICOT bingo! I always love seeing your beautiful work!

    1. Thanks, Natalie 💕 Glad you hosted this fun game !

  5. Replies
    1. Thank you, Barbara, and welcome to my blog 💕
