
Sunday 26 November 2017

fun reflection

It is always relaxing to sit back and tat some one else’s pattern. And these florets are really cute and quick to work up.

Doily #10   Round 4
fun picot / zabawa "pikotek"

This is a repeat of the very 1st round where I used double picots. I didn’t elaborate earlier, so here’s how I did each –
Working with size 40, I pull out a 20cms long tail from the shuttle for the short chains. I used the tail to finger-tat reverse (unflipped) stitch.

Also, I like the rings a bit plump. Hence joining picots are very very tiny, thus ‘stretching’ the rings.
The double picot is 7mm high when gauge is perpendicular to core thread.

The doily measures 11.5 cms at this stage. In real it looks very pretty and complete.

I’m thinking of adding a 3rd colour for the next round.

Oh my, Agnieszka is so quick! I barely hit send and the next round is in my inbox!
She has a very systematic and clean presentation in 2 languages. She sends me the English version, obviously. The diagram for each round shows the sequence as well as the stitch count.

I’m beginning to see a few more bloggers participating. It’s great that we can work at our own pace. 

relax and enjoy – the tatting mantra !

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  1. Bardzo mi się podobają double picot!Muszę się ich nauczyć.

  2. Thank you so much everybody !
    Yes, Elzusia, double picot can change the look and is very easy to learn.
