
Monday 14 December 2015

Flakes n Flowers

Snowflakes - “The Flower Within”

Snowflakes are beautiful. Tatting patterns of snowflakes are beautiful & enticing. Hidden within these cool snowflakes can be a spring flower to warm the heart ! This is my attempt to keep spring alive during the cold winter months.


(click on asterisk for link to pattern/site)
Anchor #40 . White & Aqua Blue 4054-0185
Rnd 1 :1¼”    ;    Rnd 2 : > 2½”    ;     3½” tip to tip

I try to avoid using SLTs. But that creates a problem if one wants to customize the placement of colours. After 1st round (the picots are not even enough, hence the swirl), I planned on using 3 shuttles with some encapsulation to hide the unwanted colour. Doable. But the mood left me – perhaps another time. I ended up continuing a 2nd round with only the aqua blue chains, adding a tiny picot at tip for joining. T&C.

Then I did the remaining white part as a 3rd round ! Again, instead of Split Chains & Split Rings to climb out/connect, to tat in one pass, I ended up doing it in segments ! Cutting & hiding ends after each segment. This was the phase when I was writing up my pds post here & was tatting only for pleasure – experimentation had to take a backseat..... 

(Pattern can be bought at her etsy shop)
AMC #50 White & #40 Variegated Maroon (4054-1206)
Rnd 1 : ¼”  ;  Rnd 2 :  1”  ;  With twisted picot : 4”  ;  Without twisted picot : 3¼”

Remember my test tat here, with the twisted picots ? I just Had to make a 2-colour version.


Anchor #40 White & Lavender (4054-098)
Rnd 1 :1”   ;   Rnd 2 : ~2”    ;    ~3½” tip to tip

A breeze to tat up ! And the picots give such a lacy flurry look.
Update : Realised months later that I inadvertently tatted 7 points/sides !!! Yet it all stayed flat & pretty :-)


Anchor #40 White & Lavender (4054-098)
Rnd 1 : 1¾”  ;   3¼” tip to tip
Tatted & posted last year, here, but have not been happy with the pic. Love the pattern !


Coats Unknown

Anchor#20 Blue (0131) & White

An old motif. Made quite a few just coz I liked the pattern ages back. Haven’t used them anywhere yet. Want to make another in #40 thread this time. I can see the difference in my tatting of 15 years back & now …Anybody know the source ? Please let me know so that I can give due credit.


I enjoyed tatting all these snowflakes – relaxing, with a touch of colour for added excitement. I’ve been tatting many more snowflakes – hope I don’t forget to post.

Thanks to All designers for sharing their wonderful creativity 

happy tatting :-)

Motif #14/III  for 25 Motif Challenge

Related Post update : Day 2 Snowflake as part of the flower within series.


  1. What a great idea, to combine colour and white in the snowflakes, works really well.

  2. They are gorgeous :). Love the use of coloured thread :). They will look lovely on your tree :).

  3. The are beautiful and gonna give the first one a try, thanks for the pattern!

  4. Thanks Jane, Jenn, and Carollyn :-)
    Bringing in colour can make the pattern take a different look, highlighting certain elements/motifs & I enjoyed that process .

  5. A lovely little collection of flakes. I really like the effect of adding a dash of color to the centers to brighten them up!

  6. So pretty! I've tatted white snowflakes and colored snowflakes, but I've never combined the two. Maybe I'll give it a go!

  7. Thanks Robin, Sue, Diane & Michelle :-)))
    Judicious use & placement of some colour does seem to reduce the monotony of tatting all-white snowflakes. But it increases the time to decide & load colours, etc. ;-)

  8. What a great idea, these are so colorful now. Smart gal.

  9. What a wonderful idea! The color reminds you of spring flowers but, like the button ornaments on my tree, they make me think of colored lights on the tree as well.

    1. Thanks, Wanda :-)
      I liked your use of colourful buttons, too !
      It's fun to tease out patterns within, isn't it....

  10. Beautiful tatting, as usual!

    Looking at your work makes me think that I might like to return to #40 threads. The picots look so nice and sturdy. : )

    1. Aww, thanks Fox :-) My default has become size 40 now, even though I see the mistakes only on my 17" desktop screen - much too late for rephotographing !

  11. Beautiful snowflakes, and always wonderful to make

    1. So true, Corina ... I do enjoy tatting small projects that get finished soon :-) Thanks :-)

  12. You know, I am crying and smiling like a child looking at these snowflakes! They are fabulous! I love all this Christmas stuff so much! I wish I could creat something beautiful like these snowflakes.

    1. Thank you so much essaymojo ! I'm sure you are equally creative in your own field :-)
      Hope you are enjoying a great start to the new year

  13. My favorite is the Robin's Winter Frost snowflake. The deep variegated red gives it depth plus the color is close to some poinsettias to make it appear real. Very pretty!

    1. You make an excellent observation, Carol Ann ! With poinsettia & snow, it really Is Christmas :-)
      Thank you for your lovely comment & wishes for a great 2016

  14. Looking for the pattern for "the flower within", but can't find it on Etsy. Does the author have another page?

    1. Beth, the flower within is simply my title to the fact that I tatted these snowflakes in 2 colours in order to highlight a flower pattern within the larger snowflake pattern. All patterns are FREE and if you click on the titles of each, they will take you directly to each pattern.
      For more ideas, check out my flower within colour versions of Lene Bjorn’s Snowflakes from her book - & how a poinsettia emerges -
      Enjoy :-)))
