
Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Tatting Pattern : Tiny Heart Poppy - part 1

Tiny Heart Poppy
A  3D  Tatted Flower
muskaan  (Aug 15, 2014)

I am seriously into writing & uploading the pattern in pdf format, exploring combinations & avenues that work for me without too much hassle or learning, .... but am finding that it is taking me more time than initially anticipated. Hence, I’ve decided to share the pattern in stages, so that if anybody is interested, they can start tatting along. It will also give me time to tweak the final pattern with any feedback & suggestions provided, as well as work without any pressure.
Another reason is that it will allow me to explain certain elements in more detail.
While notations & diagrams are provided, I am also writing it in longer script …

The flower can be made Very Quickly, even though the written format seems long :-)

Peace & Tolerance Tiny Heart by Mónica Manceñido is the base for the flower petal. Hence I have named it Tiny Heart Poppy, in appreciation of her versatile original pattern.
For more examples of the versatility, check out my previous 'Designing 101 post' ;-)

In order to write out the pattern, I have followed Jane Eborall's notation to a large extent.
I apologize for the unprofessional diagram ... hoping to do a much better job learning & drawing on a new program ...

Poppy Flower
Anchor Mercer Crochet Cotton Size 20
For petals : Red 046
For centre : Yellow 0289 , Black
2 shuttles
Main techniques used :
For petals : Split Ring (optional) ; Roll Tatting ; Lock Join ; Slope & Roll Join
For centre : Josephine Rings arranged perpendicularly ; Floral Picot Chain ( in part 2 of pattern to be uploaded later )

Petals : Round 1

Techniques & abbreviations :
fhs - 1st half stitch of ds
shs - 2nd half stitch of ds
CTM – continuous thread method
R – ring
Ch – chain
 (dash) – very small picot (as small as possible, for joining purposes only)
. (dot) – close ring
RW – Reverse Work
DNRW – Do Not Reverse Work
FS/BS – Front side/Back side tatting (optional)
SR – split ring (can be optional)
SS – switch shuttle
rs – reverse stitch / lark’s head knot / reverse double knot / 2nd half of SR stitch
+ (plus) – join (where to join is indicated within brackets)
/ (slash) – after the slash mark, rs or 2nd half of SR

  • Flower is composed of 3 petals, made in one pass, 2 rounds, tatted in clockwise direction.
  • A yellow & black centre is added later. (pattern for this in Part 2)
  • IMP : All picots in the petals are very very small picots, mainly for joining purposes.
  • TIP : For beginners : If one in uncomfortable with Split Rings, the 3 petals can be tatted separately/individually & joined as one tats along. But remember to add picots & avoid twist when 3rd petal is joined to 1st ! Click for Tiny Heart Pattern
  • *In some rings, in order to keep the stitch count the same, I have made a picot Within a ds eg. ( 2ds, 1 fhs, vsp, 1 shs, 2ds ) .This is notated as ( 2½ - 2½ ) ; thus total ds count for this segment would be 5 . But one could try it with ( 2-3 ) or (3-2) as long as the same count is followed throughout.
  • Option : FS/BS tatting, for some chains, is indicated by italics & red text colour.
  • No tails need to be hidden as they will be encapsulated later.

2 shuttles, CTM, with red colour thread
Refer to Diagram below ...

Petal 1 –
R A : 4 - 2½* - 2½ - 4 . RW
Ch : 3 RW
R B : 4 + (to A) 12 . DNRW  SS
Ch : 5  DNRW  SS
R C : 12 – 4 . RW
Ch : 3 RW

R D : 4 + (to C) 2½ - 2½ - 4 . DNRW
SR E : 4 + (to D) 2/ join to base of Ring A with Sh2 (to form clover), 4 + (to A) 2 – 3 – 3 . DNRW
1st petal (tiny heart) made.

Petal 2 –
SR F : 2 – 4 / 3 – 3 – 2 – 4 . DNRW
R G : 4 + (to F) 2½ + (to D) 2½ - 4 . RW
Ch : 3 RW
R H : 4 + (to G) 12 . DNRW  SS
Ch : 5  DNRW  SS
R I : 12 – 4 . RW
Ch : 3 RW
SR J : 4 + (to I) 2½ / join to base of Ring F, 4 + (to F) 2½ . DNRW
2nd petal (tiny heart) made.

Petal 3 –
SR K : 2½ - 4 / 2½ - 4 . RW
Ch : 3 RW
R L : 4 + (to K) 12 . DNRW  SS
Ch : 5  DNRW  SS
R M : 12 – 4 . RW
Ch : 3 RW
R N : 4 + (to M) 2½ + (to A of 1st petal) 2½ - 4 . DNRW
SR O : 4 + (to N) 2 + (to E of 1st petal) 3 – 3 + (to F of 2nd petal) / join to base of Ring K, 4 + (to K) 2 .
3rd petal complete.
One poppy flower with 3 petals made. But do not cut thread yet.

TIP : One can forego All Reverse Work & tat purely from the front side by using Reverse Stitch ( also known as Lark’s Head Knot, Direct Tatting, Wrapped/Unflipped stitch or Reverse Double Knot as in Directional Tatting). This is applicable wherever FS/BS tatting is indicated in red. So, instead of FS/BS, do the rs & don’t see the reverse of the work !

Petals : Round 2
Techniques & abbreviations :
Lj – Lock Join
RT – Roll Tatting
S&R J – Slope & Roll Join

Bring the threads up to the picot join between rings J & K & make a Lock Join (as indicated in diagram). You can either bring up the bare threads (since it is a very short distance), or a chain of 2-3 ds can be made to ‘climb out’, and then Lj to outer picot join.
From this point on, Roll tatting chains are made & joined at regular intervals, to create an outline encompassing each tiny heart petal.
  • The roll count may vary by a couple of wraps, depending on tension, etc.
  • Since there are no free picots on the outer margins of the petals/rings, some joins will have to be made through a ds cap. 

Here is the wrap count, ( +/- 1 wrap ) :
**RT 17 , S&Rjoin to center of ring L, 
RT 23 , S&Rjoin to ring M, 
RT 23, S&Rjoin to center of 5chain, 
RT 17, Lj to picot between rings N & A.
Repeat from ** twice, to encompass the 2 remaining petals.
Lj to starting point.
It is not necessary to cut the threads. Bring them to the centre, join to any central picot. Leave a tail of 6-7 inches, cut. These tails will serve during encapsulation for the stem.

TIP : Patty Dowden shared this wonderful tip in same thread. “If I am roll tatting a ring or a chain and need to join to a picot, I just start an up join and then I don't finish the second half. By simply working the first half of a join, the appearance of the roll tatting is preserved and the join is just fine.”
Moreover, there is no need to do a ds before & after a join. “I like to keep my roll tatting as roll tatting from start to finish.”
The visual outcome is Amazing !

TIP : Another way of doing the Slope & Roll Join :
Slope & Roll Join can be made in following manner, which I find easier & quicker as the motion of shuttle remains fluid, all in same direction. End result is the same. We have discussed this in a Craftree thread here
It can be made when one is working with 2 shuttles or a shuttle & ball :
To make this join :
1. Bring Sh1 thread up through picot/space to make a loop (as in normal picot joins) ;
2. Pass Sh2 through this loop;
3. TUG at Sh1 thread to PULL DOWN Sh2 thread ;
4. And simultaneously snug the wrap/join. It should become smooth & allow the previous stitches to move freely on the core thread ie. Sh1 thread. (it does not lock the stitches)
Patty D has pointed out that this is similar to Teiko Fujito's "outer thread joining method" (post #3 in above thread)

UPDATE : In the next post, here -  part 2 of Tiny Heart Poppy pattern - is the rest of the pattern : how to make the centre of the flower & the buds & leaves ....

Motif #17 for 25 Motif Challenge


  1. That's so pretty Muskaan! Yes, patterns take way more time to create than one realises. It's a good idea to do it in stages. I don't have time to tackle it right now, but one day...

    1. Thanks Jane :-))
      Not just the writing-out time, but the very fact that it takes time & focus away from actually tatting new/different projects .... ;-))

  2. The Poppy is gorgeous! Thanks for sharing the pattern :).

  3. Wonderful poppy flower design!!! :)

  4. Looks great muskaan, and thanks for sharing! I am always interested in posts about designing. Looking forward to what lies ahead :)

    1. Thank you Robin :-)
      We learn from each other ;-)) You are a much better designer than I am !

    2. Hey, don't discount yourself! We each have our own styles which are reflected in our works. I will probably never design jewelry, for example, because I never wear it. 3D things are also tricky for me :)

  5. Oh, this is SO clever! My brother-in-law asked me for a poppy two years ago and I never found one I like before but this is PERFECT! Yay! Thank you!

    1. I'm so very glad you finally liked a poppy pattern, Michelle ! And I had a boutonniere in mind when it was finally done !!! Perfect for your BIL :-)
      I hope you make it - it is very easy & very quick. Will put up the rest of the pattern as soon as possible.

  6. That is a charming poppy , muskaan. Thank you so much! It is stronger too than the paper ones. They fall apart on me very quickly.

    1. Thank you for your kind words :-))
      Hope you make one that will last ;-P

  7. Very cute! love this! My list of tatting things to do gets longer and longer :) Thanks for sharing!

    1. Oh Carollyn, I was hoping you'd drop by to take a look at this ... your flowers of the month are always so inspiring ! Thank you for your kind appreciation :-)

  8. Such a cute poppy! I was struggeling also with the idea, it is not easy to get this fresh, frilly aspect! I just love it.

    1. Corina, I am so so glad you liked this ! I do like the roll tatting edge & it can be used for many more flowery designs... it brings the inner elements together quite aesthetically.
      Thank you for your lovely words of appreciation :-)
